and binary translation files - URI: parsing and manipulating strings representing resource
- COOKIE: parsing, manipulating cookies with support for session jar and persistent jar
- MSG: HTTP/1.1 request and response message, independent from both URI and COOKIE
- CERT: platform-specific and/or standalone certificate verification; should support both SSL/TLS and code signing verification.
- NAV: browser sessions, building requests based on current address and given uri, cookie jar attached to the session, certificate verification and communication flagging, no actual communication over the network
- HTTP: connection layer for libnav, probably over libcurl.
- code: done (v0.2)
- docs: missing
- URI:
- code: done (v1.0)
- norm: RFC 3986: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax
- code: done (v1.0)
- norm: RFC 6265: HTTP State Management Mechanism
- MSG:
- code: done (v0.1)
- docs: missing
- norm: RFC 2616: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1
- design: missing (based on OpenSSL?)
- NAV:
- design: missing
- design: missing