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A curated list of Quarto talks, tools, examples & articles! Contributions welcome!


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The most up to date curated list of Quarto® docs, talks, tools, examples & articles the internet has to offer.

Quarto® is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc.

Contributions of any kind are welcome, just follow the guidelines by either:


Featured (new releases)

Official documentation & quickstarts

Tutorials & workshops

Blog posts

Talks and videos

Supported editors


  • Julia - Julia interface package to Quarto CLI.
  • Python - Python interface package to Quarto CLI.
  • R - R interface package to Quarto CLI.
  • ecodown - Turn R package documentation pkgdown website into a Quarto website.
  • Simulate colorblindeness - Observable widget to simulate colorblindness for your whole document.
  • quartostamp - An R package containing an RStudio Addin to insert some useful divs and classes into your Quarto revealjs document.
  • ohq2quarto - A Rust-based command line utility to turn any ObservableHQ notebook into a Quarto project.
  • Quartize - A Chrome extension to transform any ObservableHQ notebook into a list of downloadable FileAttachments and an in-page Quarto source document.
  • RStudio & VSCode snippets - RStudio & VSCode snippets to ease typesetting with Quarto.
  • matrix BOT - A little bot for the matrix-network that listens for some Quarto files and returns the PDF into the matrix channel.
  • babelquarto - R package to help set up, and render, multilingual Quarto books (see also babeldown.

Continuous integration / Continuous deployment


  • fancy-text - A very simple shortcode extension that adds shortcodes for outputing nicely formatted versions of fancy strings (such as LaTeX and BibTeX).
  • fontawesome - This extension provides support including free icons provided by Font Awesome.
  • latex-environment - This extension enables divs to be output as a custom environment in LaTeX.
  • lightbox - An extension that uses the GLightbox JavaScript library to add lightbox styling and behavior to images (HTML-based format only).
  • lordicon - This extension provides support for Lordicon icons library (HTML-based format only).
  • academicons - This extension provides support for academicons icons library (HTML-based format only).
  • molstar - This extension provides shortcodes for molstar, a tool to display macro-molecules such as proteins as well as molecular dynamics trajectories in an interactive viewer.
  • abstract-section - This extension allows to write an abstract anywhere in the main text and moves it to the metadata.
  • reveal-auto-agenda - This extension automatically creates agenda/outline slides for your Quarto revealjs presentations.
  • iconify - This extension provides shortcodes to Iconify icons library (HTML-based format only).
  • social-share - This extension allows to add buttons to share HTML-based documents on various social media platforms.
  • nutshell - This extension provides a filter to embed Nutshell in HTML-based documents.
  • section-bibliographies - This extension provides a filter to create a separate bibliography for each section or chapter.
  • qrcode - This extension provides a shortcode to support QR codes via QRCode.js (HTML-based format only).
  • animate - This extension provides support and shortcode to animate.css (HTML-based format only).
  • elevator - This extension provides support and shortcode to Elevator.js.
  • code-visibility - This extension implements some directives for filtering code and stream output included within a document.
  • roughnotation - An extension that uses the roughnotation JavaScript library to add animated annotations to revealjs documents.
  • attribution - A Quarto extension that brings Reveal.js plugin for displaying attribution text sideways along the right edge of the viewport.
  • shinylive - This extension lets you embed Shinylive (Shiny for Python) applications in a Quarto document.
  • pointer - A Quarto extension that brings a very simple Reveal.js plugin that adds support for switching the cursor to a 'pointer' style element while presenting.
  • social-embeds - A Quarto extension that provides shortcodes to embed content from across the web into HTML-based documents.
  • bsicons - This extension provides shortcodes to Bootstrap icons library (HTML-based format only).
  • collapse-callout - A filter that provides global options to make the Callout Blocks collapsible (HTML-based format only).
  • include-code-files - Include code from files using code cells option/attribute.
  • designmode - A quarto extension, adding a toggle for designMode in html and revealjs formats.
  • confetti - This extension uses canvas-confetti a JavaScript library to send some confetti in your revealjs presentation.
  • code-insertion - This extension enables code insertion immediately before and/or after a post/page for website and blog projects.
  • snow - This extension adds falling snowflakes in html and revealjs formats.
  • swissbiopics - This extension adds shortcode to embed SwissBioPics library of interactive biological images in html and revealjs formats.
  • chord-sheet - This extension provides support for rendering chord sheets in html and revealjs formats.
  • inadsense - This extension provides shortcode for inserting Google Adsense ads in html and revealjs formats.
  • forms - This extension provides shortcode for rendering forms in html and revealjs formats.
  • rev-history - This extension provides a shortcode for rendering revision history table with content pulled from git tags.
  • verticator - This extension provides indicators to show the amount of slides in a vertical stack in revealjs formats.
  • multibib - This extension provides support for multiple bibliographies.
  • stata-facade - A Quarto extension that hides the evidence of faking Stata dynamic content with Python code blocks and Stata cell magic.
  • authors-block - This extension brings the capability to add an author-related header block when rendering docx documents with Quarto.
  • line-highlight - Quarto Extension to implement source code line highlighting and output line highlighting for html documents.
  • hedgedoc-slides - A LUA filter to convert revealjs presentations to HedgeDoc presentations.
  • Sverto - Sverto is an extension for Quarto that lets you seamlessly write and include Svelte components, like charts and other visuals, in your Quarto website.
  • collapse-social-embeds - Quarto extension to provide collapsible option to social-embeds extension.
  • reveal-header - A Quarto extension to add a header to revealjs slides as the footer.
  • downloadthis - This extension shortcode provides support for adding download buttons to download image/pdf/txt/csv files.
  • add-code-files - This extension filter provides alternative syntax for adding contents from external files and works with code-fold.
  • hide-comment - This extension filter provides comment-directive to hide comment from code chunk in the rendered document.
  • nameref - This extension filter allows to use name (section name, fig-name or table-name) for cross-referencing the document sections, tables, figures instead of number.
  • material-icons - This extension provides a shortcode to use Google's Material Design Icons for html and revealjs formats.
  • webr - This extension enables the webR code cell in a Quarto html-based formats.
  • black-formatter - A Quarto filter to format Python code using black formatter.
  • embedpdf - This extension provides shortcode to embed PDF files in html-based formats.
  • custom-numbered-blocks - This extension provides support for user defined blocks (div classes / latex environments) that can be numbered and cross-referenced.
  • interactive-sql - This extension provides shortcode to embed interactive SQL queries in html-based formats.
  • version-badge - An extension for Quarto to provide a shortcode to display software version.
  • preview-colour - An extension to add preview colour as a coloured symbol next to colour code.
  • lua-env - An extension for Quarto to provide access to LUA objects as metadata.
  • spotlight - An extension for Reveal.js allowing to highlight the current mouse position with a spotlight.



  • acm - Template for Association of Computing Machinery.
  • acs - Template for American Chemical Society.
  • biophysical-journal - Template for Biophysical journal.
  • elsevier - Template for Elsevier Journals.
  • jasa - Template for American Statistical Association Journals.
  • jss - Template for Journal of Statistical Software.
  • plos - Template for Public Library of Science.
  • arXiv - Template for arXiv-style preprints.
  • quarto-tandf - Template for Taylor and Francis.
  • sportrxiv - Template for SportRxiv preprints.
  • Computo - Template for Computo journal.
  • asm - Template for the American Society for Microbiology, based on the mSystems LaTeX template.
  • asce - Template for American Society of Civil Engineers journals and conference proceedings.
  • iop - Template for Institute of Physics journal.
  • JOAS - Quarto journal template for Journal of Open Aviation Science (JOAS).
  • PNAS - Quarto template for PNAS.
  • APSR - Quarto template for American Political Science Review (APSR).


  • Storybook - A medieval like template for Quarto revealjs presentation.
  • Coeos - A dark grey / white based template for Quarto revealjs presentation.
  • R-Ladies - R-Ladies (@rladies) template for Quarto revealjs presentation.
  • Onyxia - Onyxia template for Quarto revealjs presentation.
  • Organization Boilerplate Template - Organisation Boilerplate Template to be cloned and modified to fit your needs for Quarto revealjs presentation.
  • Blackboard - A blackboard like template for Quarto revealjs presentation.
  • nes - A Nes template for Quarto revealjs presentation.
  • insper - A "insper" template for Quarto revealjs presentation.
  • metropolis-theme - Opinionated port of the Metropolis template for Quarto revealjs presentation.
  • letterbox - A Quarto extension for authoring letterbox styled presentations using revealjs formats.
  • kakashi - The kakashi template extension for Quarto revealjs slides is a theme with clean look and a colour-blind friendly palette.
  • clean - A minimal and elegant presentation theme for Quarto revealjs, inspired by modern Beamer templates.
  • cinco-de-mayo - Cinco de Mayo Quarto Reveal.js theme.
  • rvalhub - R Validation Hub Reveal.js theme.

HTML Documents

  • Sketchy HTML - A template for Quarto to create sketchy looking HTML documents.
  • lcars - An LCARS template for Quarto html documents.
  • bookup - A Quarto extension template providing light and dark themes to be used for html documents, books and websites.

PDF Documents

  • letter - An opinionated template to create letter PDF documents.
  • hikmah - An opinionated template to create PDF documents with support to biblatex-chicago and more.
  • titlepage - This extension template brings several title pages for your PDF documents from one yaml option.
  • simple-article - This is a Quarto template that assists you in creating a simple, journal article-like document.
  • qletter - An opinionated template to create letter PDF documents.
  • nastatement - A template for creating a statement PDF letter.
  • naletter - An opinionated template to create letter PDF documents.
  • nanotes - A template for creating handout PDF notes.
  • Monash letter - A Monash University template to create letter PDF documents.
  • Monash memo - A Monash University template to create memo PDF documents.
  • Monash wp - A Monash University template to create working paper PDF documents.
  • Monash report - A Monash University template to create report PDF documents.
  • Monash thesis - A Monash University template to create thesis PDF documents.
  • brief - A KOMA-script based template to create German DIN 5008 compliant PDF letters.
  • compact - A template to create compact PDF documents such as short reports, homework assignments, etc.
  • quarto-cv - A template to create an academic Curriculum Vitae PDF document.

Docx Documents

  • lettre-gouv - A Quarto extension template for French governmental documents.

Multiple formats

  • inrae - INRAE extension template with several formats (html and pdf).
  • tufte - A Quarto extension template for Tufte-style book (html and pdf).

Repository templates

Real-life examples

Presentations formats

Websites formats

  • - The Quarto documentation website.
  • - The R Lille (R User Group) website using Quarto.
  • R-Manuals - R Manuals rewritten with Quarto.
  • Quarto tip a day - Website/blog highlighting a tip for Quarto every day.
  • Documentation website from Jupyter Notebook - Quarto used to generate a website from a Jupyter notebook containing Python module documentation.
  • Program Evaluation for Public Service (course) - Website for graduate-level course on program evaluation and causal inference using R, built with Quarto.
  • Bioconductor Community Blog - A Quarto Blog for Bioconductor community.
  • R for Social Scientists workshop - A Quarto website for a workshop which includes Quarto Reveal JS presentations embedded in it.
  • AffCom Lab Website - A research lab Quarto Blog/website using custom listing pages for people and publications.
  • Quantum Jitter - A Quarto website / blog with a custom theme (adapted from flatly / darkly), day / night landing page and a novel 404 page.
  • Andrew Heiss's website - Andrew Heiss's website with custom EJS format, footer, 404 page, (S)CSS, and many more customisations.
  • Ella Kaye's website - Ella Kaye's website with Bootstrap Grid card home page layout, CSS animation in navigation bar, and light/dark mode.
  • Quering with PRQL - Docusaurus website using computations via Jupyter and knitr and multiple languages (PRQL, SQL, R, Python, etc.).
  • Real World Data Science - The Royal Statistical Society website, built with Quarto, features a custom design (based on the Lux Bootswatch theme), with a customised navbar and homepage layout.

Book formats

Other formats




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Thanks goes to these contributors!