This is a series of assignments which are used for EE 382V INTRODUCTION TO BLOCKCHAIN/SMART CONTRACTS & MIS 382N EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES. These assignments will use the bitcoin core implmentation of the bitcoin protocal. Students will become familiar with how to use bitcoind, bitcoin-cli and btcdeb. This will require familiarity with command line tools, access to either a Linux or MacOS machine, as well as 20 GB of free disk space.
This assignment will introduce using the bitcoin command line interface including how to create wallets, sign messages, check network status, and build and send transactions. The first part of the assignment will be to install the toolchain, connect to the bitcoin testnet, and verify the installation.
Students will use a Bitcoin scripting emulator, btcdeb, to become familiar with Bitcoin script and how it can be leveraged for smart contracts.
Students will use Truffle to code and deploy basic smart contracts on the Ethereum test net.