Version 3.6.7
New features
Feature #14164: Track the most recently accessed chat link
Related issues
Bug #13481: Improve networking performance on windows (plus a couple of c-ares usage fixes)
Bug #13939: Android(270) SDK crash issue 1 in ares_get_android_server_list
Bug #13944: Android (270) SDK crash issue 4 in strlen (from ares_get_android_server_list)
Bug #14057: When doing a search after setting the sorting option as newest, the App crashes
Bug #14112: Wrong number of total transfers if the files to upload are already in the cloud
Bug #14132: Inconsistent inshares & outshares list when resume from cegaShare::isPending is not working properly
Bug #14154: Initialize and cleanup c-url and c-ares just once
Bug #14155: Fix a memory leak in fetchtimezone_result
Task #13768: MEGAsync preferences file was being written very frequently, limit to 10 times per second
Task #13781: Putnodes tctable transaction, megacli logging improvements, factoring.
Task #13836: Add sync config
Task #13864: Add syncconfig to megacli
Target app/s
- iOS