Releases: meganz/sdk
Releases · meganz/sdk
Version 7.14.0
- [SDK-4491] - Delete lsmega example
- [SDK-4476] - Remove TOC from README
- [SDK-4457] - [CC] Recognise jxl as image type
- [SDK-4448] - Remove files used to generate Doxygen documentation
- [SDK-4428] - Add "Minimum OS versions" to the
- [SDK-4410] - Stop using hardcoded IP addresses for DNS servers
- [SDK-4355] - Use NDK 27 in Android cross-build Dockerfile
- [SDK-4306] - Remove LibUV thread support
- [SDK-4272] - Ensure that Welcome PDF appears in Cloud drive
- [SDK-4142] - Define name IDs in a common place
- [SDK-3227] - Drop support for autotools build system
- [SDK-1955] - Remove pcre depencies in full
- [SDK-4486] - Android Bindings - Add enableRequestStatusMonitor binding
- [SDK-4485] - Disable Fedora 41 in nightly build
- [SDK-4464] - [CC] Improve documentation for createThumbnail and createPreview
- [SDK-4456] - Support fa generation for jxl and avif
- [SDK-4450] - Add a new parameter to release automation so we can publish the release notes on Slack in a certain thread
- [SDK-4429] - Multiple GfxProviderFreeImage instances segfault
- [SDK-4419] - Implement nightly build Windows-MacOs part
- [SDK-4416] - Allow MegaGfxProvider::createIsolatedInstance to have full control of the executable running parameters
- [SDK-4351] - Reuse logic of UserAttributeManager::getScope for MegaApiImpl::userAttributeToScope
- [SDK-4338] - [SAT] Avoid to disable syncs upon moves & renames
- [SDK-4333] - Review and simplify User interfaces for attributes
- [SDK-4311] - Move logic of handling user attributes for ownuser to User Attribute Manager
- [SDK-4474] - Fix compilation issue regarding mega::SimpleLogger::logValue in compilations with ENABLE_LOG_PERFORMANCE
- [SDK-4473] - Clang-format is not following the C++ style guide regarding the order of the includes
- [SDK-4447] - Investigate failure SdkTestUserAttribute.ContactLinkVerification
- [SDK-4437] - Add BackupId to detected conflicts
- [SDK-4396] - [SAO] Adjust Node Tags Search to Name/Description Search
- [SDK-4246] - [SAT] Implement data structures and algorithms to collect and calculate combined metric for transfers
- [SDK-4200] - Handle new API -30 response
Target apps
- Android 14.7
- iOS 16.2
- MEGAsync 5.7 RC1
Version 7.13.0
- [SDK-4423] - Add new submodule MEGASharedRepo to iOS Jenkins
- [SDK-4414] - Add Android bindings for "moveOrRemoveDeconfiguredBackupNodes" method
- [SDK-4409] - Jenkinsfile issue when parsing branch name
- [SDK-4395] - Qt bindings: QTMegaApiManager: expose constructor with gfx provider
- [SDK-4383] - Android bindings - Add new getFlag method
- [SDK-4352] - Add megautils file
- [SDK-4322] - Investigate SdkTest.SdkTestVPN test failure
- [SDK-4256] - Create PHP bindings with CMake+SWIG
- [SDK-4255] - Create Python bindings with CMake+SWIG
- [SDK-4406] - Creating VPN account with megacli crashes the app
- [SDK-2552] - [SAT] Resolve sync transfers that fail over and over
- [SDK-1610] - Fix corner cases for File Attribute attachment to uploads
- [SDK-4397] - Make Slack channel to ask for MR approvals configurable when creating a release
- [SDK-4373] - Add new user attribute to determine if Welcome PDF has to be copied into Cloud drive
- [SDK-4350] - [SAO] Search query with or without an accent
- [SDK-4286] - Handle user attributes in generic storage and structures
- [SDK-4277] - Build SDK periodically for All Platforms (Linux part)
Target apps
- Android 14.6
- iOS 16.1
- PWM Android 1.0 RC2 + iOS 1.0 RC2
- MEGAproxy 2.1.0
Version 7.12.0
- [SDK-4405] - [PASS] Request password node base handle before calling to command f (fetchnodes)
- [SDK-4394] - Assertion `!fetchingnodes' failed
- [SDK-4374] - [SAO] Change alphabetical order to match web client.
- [SDK-4353] - iOS Bindings - Fix crash when accessing text property in MegaEvent
- [SDK-4284] - Logs of integration tests are sometimes being truncated
- [SDK-4280] - FUSE integration test incorrectly comparing emails when checking for invitations from another user
- [SDK-4100] - SdkTest.SdkNodeDescription test failed
- [SDK-4055] - Investigate Account creation on PasswordManager MegaApi client type
- [SDK-3299] - Issue notifing sync file state when all versions are removed
- [SDK-4387] - Unexpected -1 as total progress response for request
- [SDK-4359] - Add Unit tests for user attr interfaces in User class
- [SDK-4356] - Make sure the FUSE integration tests give each client a recognizable name.
- [SDK-4328] - Move release creation scripts inside automation directory in SDK repo
- [SDK-4298] - Tidy up clang format and remove deprecated rules
- [SDK-4262] - Check if SDK can be build with 16Kb page size
- [SDK-4257] - Create Java bindings with CMake+SWIG
- [SDK-4386] - Android Bindings - Update syncFolder binding
- [SDK-4381] - Android Bindings - Add getTransferData binding
- [SDK-4354] - [CC] - Android Binding - Update getRecentActionsAsync binding to include excludeSenstives
- [SDK-4341] - iOS Binding - Update getRecentActionsAsync binding to include excludeSenstives
- [SDK-4205] - Avoid having sensitive information in the config file of release automation scripts
- [SDK-3779] - Refactor mega::gfx::TimeoutMs
- [SDK-3754] - Refactor ScopeGuard
- [SDK-3707] - Remove mandatory client initialization steps
- [SDK-4329] - Create release candidates with release creation scripts
- [SDK-3990] - [SAT] .megaignore.default should be updated using legacy rules whenever possible.
- [SDK-3975] - Automatically patch a release
Target apps
- Android 14.5
- MEGAsync 5.6.0 RC1
- iOS 16.0
Version 7.11.0
- [SDK-4334] - Make clear distinction between MR titles for new Release vs version update
- [SDK-4308] - Fix message published in Slack to anounce new release with release creation scripts
- [SDK-4307] - Do not try to update SDK version when creating MEGAchat release with release creation scripts
- [SDK-4305] - Replace dispatch_barrier_async_and_wait_f with alternative available in macOS 10.13+
- [SDK-4302] - Desktop app builds failing on windows after enabling /we4800
- [SDK-4291] - Unprotect ^!keys user attribute from being created/updated if not default client type
- [SDK-4184] - Fix title of release MR created with release creation scripts
- [SDK-4162] - Change by SIZE ordering to match webclient
- [SDK-4113] - Fedora 40 build issues with freeimage
- [SDK-4326] - Change the variable used for user-agent to a sdk specific one.
- [SDK-4285] - [SAT] Removing syncs by app request should disable them and remove the config db as when removed from the device center
- [SDK-4241] - Improve performance for recent files retrieval with sensitivity functionality
- [SDK-4190] - Send an event for ErrorReason::REASON_ERROR_UNKNOWN
- [SDK-3993] - Avoid unnecessary string copy in attr_map constructor
- [SDK-3980] - Allow log all communication between client and API when it's desired
- [SDK-4309] - [SAO] When reverting a file to a previous version, keep latest tags
- [SDK-4250] - [SAO] Add logical OR capabilities to MegaSearchFilter
- [SDK-4235] - Target macOS min supported version
- [SDK-4203] - Fix a link to a file in the
- [SDK-4166] - [SAO] Notify webclient's sorting logic is reproduced on the sdk side for all the options
- [SDK-3972] - Remove obsolete REMOTE_PATH_DELETED case
- [SDK-4020] - Add pointer to bool conversion warning in MSVC
Target apps
- Android 14.4
- iOS 15.2
- VPN 2.2
- MEGAproxy 2.0.0 RC1
Version v7.10.1
- [SDK-4301] - [SAT] Provide unique identification of Stalled Issues (MegaSyncStall)
Target apps
- MEGAsync 5.5.0 RC2
Version 7.10.0
- [SDK-4296] - Add new iOS bindings for Free Trial
- [SDK-4283] - iOS Bindings - Remove creditCardCancelSubscriptions deprecated function
- [SDK-4275] - Remove unneeded pointer check of mUpload in FlushContext
- [SDK-4269] - Android bindings - Update bindings for creditCancelSubscriptions
- [SDK-4263] - Remove clone functions from Objective-C classes
- [SDK-2994] - Static analyser issues in MEGASetElement
- [SDK-4260] - Release notes formatting issues
- [SDK-4226] - Return tags from MegaNode::getTags() with natural sorting
- [SDK-4165] - Change by FAV ordering to match webclient
- [SDK-4163] - Change by LABEL ordering to match webclient
- [SDK-4249] - Calculate the failed request ratio per transfer
- [SDK-4096] - [PP] One question survey
- [SDK-4087] - [S4] Retrieve file handles from "p" and "g" commands
Target apps
- Android 14.3
- iOS 15.1
- MEGAsync 5.5.0
Version 7.9.0
- [SDK-4251] - Improve MegaUser visibility documentation
- [SDK-4029] - Drop support for old CMake
- [SDK-3554] - Cross-compile with CMake+vcpkg for Synology NAS
- [SDK-3226] - Drop support for qmake build system
- [SDK-4236] - [iOS binding] Add nullable check to cancelToken in
- [SDK-4153] - [S4] Give support for recording customer IPs
- [SDK-4137] - Implement public method to import passwords from file
- [SDK-4234] - iOS Bindings - Add new creditCardCancelSubscriptions
- [SDK-4229] - Manually cancelled pipelines may not update their status correctly
- [SDK-4204] - Fix close-release scripts
- [SDK-4182] - Race between command and action packet
- [SDK-4151] - FUSE Platform Test crashed when completing an upload
- [SDK-4178] - Support API v3 for Sets/Elements command "ass"
- [SDK-4177] - Support API v3 for Sets/Elements command "aer"
- [SDK-4176] - Support API v3 for Sets/Elements command "aerb"
- [SDK-4175] - Support API v3 for Sets/Elements command "aep"
- [SDK-4174] - Support API v3 for Sets/Elements command "aepb"
- [SDK-4173] - Support API v3 for Sets/Elements command "aft"
Target apps
- Android 14.2
- iOS 15.0
Version 7.8.0
- [SDK-4239] - Low performance on Recents excluding sensitive nodes
- [SDK-4230] - Lock sdk mutex in getChildren with filter
- [SDK-4218] - iOS Bindings - Fix MEGAAccountSubscription's paymentMethodId and change type to MEGAPaymentMethod
- [SDK-4199] - Android bindings - Add support for int32_t variable type
- [SDK-4126] - [SAO] Flag to Filter Out Sensitive Nodes in Recents File List
- [SDK-4215] - MEGADesktop App is using the value mega::SetElement:HANDLESIZE, including the "SetAndElement.h" file
- [SDK-4214] - Fix clang-format pipeline colors
- [SDK-4212] - Ignore in Git *.autosave files created by Qt Creator
- [SDK-4065] - Return an error in CMake if the build type is empty
- [SDK-4135] - Implement read password entries validation
Target apps
- Android 14.1
- iOS 14.11
Version 7.6.1
- [SDK-4231] - Android Bindings - Update MegaApiJava to not remove native listeners
Target apps
- Android 14.0 (patched)
Version 7.7.0
- [SDK-4220] - Adapt Waiter::maxds usage to new dstime type
- [SDK-4207] - Calls to MegaApi::getNodeByPath and MegaApi::getNodePathByNodeHandle have become incompatibles
- [SDK-4198] - Back off timer for ug expiration
- [SDK-4186] - Fix make-release scripts
- [SDK-4185] - Define missing attributes in
- [SDK-4105] - deviceOf(...) / uuidOf(...) not correctly truncating result of realpath(...).
- [SDK-4023] - Waiter::ds time get overflowed in MacOS systems
- [SDK-4192] - Investigate include order in megaclient.h
- [SDK-4189] - Update CODEOWNERS for .clang-format
- [SDK-4188] - Remove jcenter dependency from Android ExampleApp
- [SDK-4154] - Mention vcpkg update in SDK build instructions
- [SDK-4103] - Target oldest Windows supported version
- [SDK-4102] - Deprecate Visual Studio 2017 and toolset v141 in CMake triplets
- [SDK-4006] - Report an error to the application if the JSCD UAs cannot be created
- [SDK-3920] - Cross-compile with CMake+vcpkg for iOS
- [SDK-4181] - [TRAN] Add bindings for onFolderTransferUpdate callback
- [SDK-4133] - Read and interprete password input file
- [SDK-4132] - Implement a CSV parser for Google Password export files
- [SDK-4179] - Add SDK binding for get all node tags(Android)
- [SDK-4171] - Prepare Sets/elements commands for upgrade to V3
- [SDK-3312] - Annotate as deprecated search obsolete methods
Target apps
- MEGASync 5.4.1 RC1