Releases: meganz/sdk
Version 4.31.0b (patched)
- [SDK-3954] - Adjustments for win 7 on top of last pre SRW for MEGAcmd release
- [SDK-3757] - Add a new Pro level to identify the lower tier plans
Target App
- MEGAcmd 1.7.0 RC5
Version 7.1.0
- [SDK-3913] - [Android] Refactor the Ownership of the Returned Object from MegaNode::getCustomAttrNames()
- [SDK-3914] - [Android] Refactor the Ownership of the Returned Object from MegaNode::unserialize()
- [SDK-3915] - [Android] Refactor the Ownership of the Returned Object from MegaNode::getTags()
- [SDK-3916] - Migrate sdk-megachat jenkinsfile to cmake
- [SDK-2727] - Review test cases regarding shares and folder links
- [SDK-3888] - Patch FFmpeg to fix compilation issue in Fedora 40
- [SDK-3791] - Drop WinHTTP support
- [SDK-3843] - Refactor Utils::getenv()
- [SDK-3845] - Adjust curl and c-ares linkage
- [SDK-3870] - Fix core files processing in Jenkins for Linux
- [SDK-3873] - Remove unused parameter FileSystemAccess* from readbitmap() and generateImages()
- [SDK-3894] - Remove usage of std::variant at SqliteDbAccess::migrateDataToColumns
- [SDK-3911] - Configuration of ffmpeg from vckpg includes extra libs
- [SDK-3923] - Grant owning permissions on bindings to Android team
- [SDK-3929] - Downgrade libuv to v1.44.2
- [SDK-3930] - Ignore CMakeLists.txt.user generated by Qt Creator
- [SDK-3409] - Incorrect fingerprints when uploading files in SDK tests
- [SDK-3855] - Investigate Failure in SyncTest.ChangingDirectoryPermissions
- [SDK-3876] - Upload transfers need to be properly excluded from the transfer queue size dynamic calculation
- [SDK-3757] - Add a new Pro level to identify the lower tier plans
- [SDK-3807] - Add sync errors to syncFolder() method
- [SDK-3896] - iOS bindings - remove the deprecated method setDeviceName
- [SDK-3907] - iOS Bindings - Lower Tier plans
Target Apps
- iOS 14.5
- Android 13.2
- MEGAsync 5.3.0Enhancement
Version 7.0.0
- [SDK-3311] - Remove warnings from method no marked as override
- [SDK-3729] - Scan repository for secrets leaks
- [SDK-3844] - Disable QT preprocessors for files excluded from the build
- [SDK-2639] - Implement FUSE backend for Windows.
- [SDK-3860] - Android - Add bindings for set node description
- [SDK-3722] - Failed tests in MacOS due to `mutex::lock()` crashing
- [SDK-3765] - Remove NOMINMAX definitions from CMake
- [SDK-3788] - Avoid discard own user at MegaClient::fetchnodes
- [SDK-3789] - Include megasys.h in CMake and reorganize list of sources for Windows
- [SDK-3806] - Replace hardcoded error code -999 by LOCAL_ETIMEOUT
- [SDK-3861] - Deprecate MegaApi constructor using MegaGfxProcessor
- [SDK-3864] - Implicit conversion loses integer precision: 'size_type' (aka 'unsigned long') to 'nfds_t' (aka 'unsigned int')
- [SDK-3866] - Fix mobile pipelines log upload
- [SDK-3867] - Remove #ifdef ENABLE_CHAT compiler
- [SDK-3872] - Remove GfxProviderExternal::isgfx
- [SDK-3767] - [Crash] Crash in MegaApiImpl::performRequest_setAttrNode
- [SDK-2636] - Implement FUSE support in the SDK
- [SDK-3381] - Run GFX processor in an isolated process in macOS
- [SDK-3849] - Expose NodeManager::getNumNodesAtCacheLRU() so that it is callable from MegaApi
Target Apps
- Android 13.1
- iOS 14.4
Version 6.2.0
- SDK-3816 - Android Bindings - Add generateRandomCharsPassword binding
- SDK-3818 - Add bt API urls to production accounts pool
- SDK-3842 - Store timestamps debris folders below the current date parent folder
- SDK-2537 - Cleanup obsolete code for RSA encryption
- SDK-3029 - Remove c-ares build script for iOS
- SDK-3703 - Reenable certain warnings in external libraries when building in Windows
- SDK-3709 - Check whether declaredTestAccounts should be removed from test code
- SDK-3732 - Clean old C++ remnants after moving to C++17
- SDK-3790 - Remove mega_snprintf and use the one from Windows SDK
- SDK-3812 - Improve documentation for Filefingerprint serialization/unserialization methods
- SDK-3822 - Upgrade c++ from 14 to 17 in Package.swift
- SDK-3824 - Android - Add search with MegaSearchFilter(with page option) and search categories constants
- SDK-3832 - Ensure the pipeline doesn't report success if not all jobs have succeed
- SDK-3841 - Fix compilation when using BoringSSL from WebRTC
- SDK-3740 - Inspect: CreateNodeTree created file does not honor the mtime in the fingerprint
- SDK-3811 - Assert failure at RaidProxy::RaidReq::progress() at test SdkTestCloudraidTransferWithSingleChannelTimeouts
- SDK-3819 - Fix mem leaks in CreateNodeTree tests
- SDK-3821 - Fix cleanup of `umindex` during registration
- SDK-3825- Stalled syncs interfer between each other when move or delete operations are involved
- SDK-3848 - Revert std::filesystem changes breaking macOS 10.13 x86 build
- SDK-3380 - Run GFX processor in an isolated process in Linux
- SDK-3743 - Add test to check if the icon is sent in testing notifications
- SDK-3770 - Adapt DB and migrate data - node description
- SDK-3771- Add support for search nodes by description - node description
- SDK-3774 - Adapt DB and migrate data - tags
- SDK-3775 - Add support for search nodes by tag - tag
- SDK-3827 - Android - Add getNodeChildren binding to Android
Target Apps
- Android 13.0
- iOS 14.3
Version 6.1.0
- SDK-3651 - Pdfium port fails if freeimage is disabled
- SDK-3708 - Move GFX processor integration tests into its own implementation file
- SDK-3749 - Investigate failure in SdkTest.SdkTestCreateAccount
- SDK-3764 - Document the new parameter searchPage
- SDK-3780 - Investigate failure in SdkTest.SdkTestMegaVpnCredentials
- SDK-3698 - Crash on detecting duplicated nodes in backups
- SDK-3750 - Investigate failure in SdkTest.FetchAds
- SDK-3781 - Specific branches jobs of SDK are not archiving logs to jenkins
- SDK-3787 - MEGAsync 5.2 hammering API upon putnodes failed with EKEY
- SDK-3761 - Add support for abs dev subcommand
- SDK-3776 - CRUD operations and notify changes to apps - node description
- SDK-3777 - CRUD operations and notify changes to apps - tags
- SDK-3803 - Android - Add search with MegaSearchFilter function
Target app/s
- Android 12.0
- iOS 14.2
Version 6.0.0
- [SDK-1565] - CloudRAID client code and slow sources
- [SDK-3541] - Store MegaNodeTree result in request of createNodeTree
- [SDK-3697] - Improve isolated GFX process feature building
- [SDK-3739] - iOS Binding - Add MEGANode ChangeType sensitive
- [SDK-3751] - Add bindings for generate password functionality
- [SDK-3692] - Android Bindings - Manage Last Read Notification
- [SDK-3755] - iOS Bindings - Add iconName on MEGANotification
- [SDK-3549] - Encapsulate gtest_common.h/.cpp in a CMake target
- [SDK-3646] - Fix libuv linking options for qmake and CMake
- [SDK-3702] - Disallow to set user/nodes attributes whose value exceeds the limits
- [SDK-3705] - SdkTest.GiveRemoveChatAccess test crash after fixing inviteTestAccount
- [SDK-3714] - Update MegaTextChat::getPeerList documentation
- [SDK-3731] - Allow more than one path for VCPKG ports and triplets
- [SDK-3742] - Exclude tools folder from compilation in Package.swift
- [SDK-3744] - Investigate failure "some inshares were not removed" while cleaning up tests
- [SDK-3759] - Message about recursiveSync logged too often
- [SDK-3528] - Investigate failure in SdkTest.SdkTestCreateAccount
- [SDK-3684] - Avoid memory leak when MegaApi::getMyEmail is used at sdkTest
- [SDK-3706] - Missing error in JSON process response
- [SDK-3762] - gfxworker integration test pipe name conflicts on Jenkins jobs
- [SDK-3300] - Add posiblity to show Other files
- [SDK-3713] - Extend notification centre to have promo fields
- [SDK-3766] - Android - Implement the logic to read the SDK error and display the right message to the user
Target Apps
Android 11.9
iOS 14.1
Version 5.3.0
- [SDK-3323] - Performance improvement: feat. partial fetch and action packets
- [SDK-3451] - Add pagination to the existing search APIs
- [SDK-3598] - Use new MegaApi constructor for specific MegaClient app
- [SDK-3670] - Use different pool of accounts for Staging
- [SDK-3631] - Parse new user data "notifs" parameter
- [SDK-3632] - Add new user attribute to record the ID of the last read notification
- [SDK-3633] - Add new user attribute to record the ID of the last actioned banner
- [SDK-3634] - Add new user attribute to enable test notifications
- [SDK-3635] - Get a list with all notifications available with "gnotif" command
- [SDK-3662] - Add a new target for the Qt bindings in CMake
- [SDK-3674] - iOS Bindings - Fetch the notification list available for the current user
- [SDK-3675] - iOS Bindings - Retrieve IDs of Enabled Notifications for Current User
- [SDK-3676] - iOS Bindings - Manage Last Read Notification
- [SDK-3690] - Android Bindings - Fetch the notification list available for the current user
- [SDK-3691] - Android Bindings - Retrieve IDs of Enabled Notifications for Current User
- [SDK-3192] - Double check leavearray skipping in failed JSON parsing
- [SDK-3356] - Fix compiler warning: 'void av_init_packet(AVPacket*)' is deprecated
- [SDK-3648] - Adjust log output for the tests
- [SDK-3671] - Transition to C++17
- [SDK-3672] - Investigate SdkTest.GiveRemoveChatAccess test
- [SDK-3686] - Avoid unrelated action packets when logged-in into folder links
- [SDK-3711] - Collect multiple core dumps when running MEGAchat tests
- [SDK-3665] - Fix specific-branch MegaChat test jenkinsfile
- [SDK-3668] - Fix Jenkins compilation errors
- [SDK-3680] - SetElement changes not exposed through MegaApi
- [SDK-3685] - Wrong docs referring user attributes
- [SDK-2795] - Run GFX processor in an isolated process in Windows
- [SDK-3420] - Extend flexible nodes structure creation allowing copy
- [SDK-3562] - Notification Center - Dynamic Messages
- [SDK-3585] - createNodeTree() should create a new version, instead of a dupe
- [SDK-3640] - Add password generator - characters
- Android 11.8
- iOS 14.0
Version 5.2.4
- SDK-3439 - Apply order criteria into the query
- SDK-3540 - Capture parent handle in request of createNodeTree
- SDK-3613 - Run swiftUI demo in macOS
- SDK-3622 - iOS gfx layer compatible with macOS
- SDK-3650 - Enhance SpeedController accuracy
- SDK-3656 - Provide a cross platform function to get current process ID
- SDK-3497 - Update VCPKG preferred-ports
- SDK-3617 - Adjust SDK options naming and make them a separated module
- SDK-3637 - SDK definitions are not included in megaapi.h
- SDK-3653 - Fix warnings in CMake builds
- SDK-3465 - Build external C++ libraries for macOS
- SDK-3357 - warning: the use of
tmpnam' is dangerous, better use
mkstemp' - SDK-3579 - Remove tcprelay tool
- SDK-3611 - Migrate jobs for specific branches to jenkinsfiles in git repository
- SDK-3625 - Update package.swift to include xcframeworks with macOS support
- SDK-3627 - Update frameworks in package.swift for iOS, catalyst and macos
- SDK-3628 - Delete unused Travis CI configuration file
- SDK-3642 - Add clang-format style configuration file
- SDK-3652 - Fix GFX processor selection
- SDK-3679 - Fix request prepared log information
- SDK-3623 - Speed progress is being counted twice for requests in flight
- SDK-3624 - Cast of C pointer type to Objective-C pointer type requires a bridged cast
- SDK-3630 - Investigate failure in SyncTest.ChangingDirectoryPermission and prevent asserting before restoring folder permissions
- SDK-3654 - Fix type warning as error in integration test
- SDK-3351 - Adjust megacli to support existing operations on Password Nodes (and Folders)
- SDK-3574 - Download binary resources from Artifactory
- SDK-3602 - Raise fatal error if connection to the DB cannot be established
- SDK-3620 - GTest params for MRs jobs
Target Apps
- iOS 13.7
- Android 11.7
Version 5.2.3
- SDK-3456 - Notification of Stall issues
- SDK-3480 - Support API v3 for command "mcra"
- SDK-3481 - Support API v3 for command "mcscm"
- SDK-3484 - Support API v3 for command "mct"
- SDK-3582 - Android Bindings - Add Bindings for locked (sensitive) nodes
- SDK-3597 - Skip building 3rd parties on every build
- SDK-3609 - iOS Bindings - Add Bindings for locked (sensitive) nodes
- SDK-3619 - Remove crashlytics-ready from prebuilt 3rdparty libs
- SDK-1102 - Update
- SDK-3461 - MacOS min version is set by ncurses library
- SDK-3466 - Build cryptopp for macOS
- SDK-3467 - Build libsodium for macOS
- SDK-3468 - Build libuv for macOS
- SDK-3469 - Build mediainfolib for macOS
- SDK-3612 - Build libcurl for macOS
- SDK-3189 - SDK layer for Password Manager MVP
- SDK-3593 - Set SDK client type
- SDK-3556 - Add new user attribute to determine if Terms of Service are displayed
- SDK-3389 - Create for common code share between build scripts for iOS
- SDK-3530 - Make adjustments for sqlite3 linking on linux
- SDK-3567 - Extract tests resources path location to utils
- SDK-3572 - Adjust to API changes for empty FetchAds return
- SDK-3580 - Investigate failure in SdkTest.SdkTestContacts
- SDK-3600 - Able to run SwiftUI example in macOS catalyst
- SDK-3604 - Add new STALLED state for Device center
- SDK-3605 - cryptopp crash when running in Intel MacOS
- SDK-3610 - Fix MegaChat test jenkinsfile
- SDK-3127 - Compilation issue (Wstringop-truncation)
- SDK-3569 - heap-buffer-overflow in createNodeTree
- SDK-3571 - alloc-dealloc-mismatch in createNodeTree
- SDK-3584 - Missing call to fireOnTransferFinish for recursive operation when MegaApiImpl::abortPendingActions is called
- SDK-3594 - Set SDK client type in MegaApi and MegaClient
- SDK-3595 - Set SDK client type in megacli
- SDK-3596 - Protect keys from being updated if not default client type
Target Apps
- iOS 13.6
- Android 11.6
- MEGAsync 5.2.0
Version 5.2.2
[SDK-3482]- Support API v3 for command "mcsf"
[SDK-3483]- Support API v3 for command "mcst"
[SDK-3485] - Support API v3 for command "mcup"
[SDK-3486] - Support API v3 for command "sec"
[SDK-3487] - Support API v3 for command "sla"
[SDK-3488] - Support API v3 for command "ug"
[SDK-3489] - Support API v3 for command "uk"
[SDK-3491] - Support API v3 for command "upc"
[SDK-3492] - Support API v3 for command "upr"
[SDK-3493] - Support API v3 for command "uq"
[SDK-3494] - Support API v3 for command "ur2"
[SDK-3538] - Android Bindings - Add listener to startUploadForChat
[SDK-3565] - Start using the new cmake build system in Jenkins
[SDK-3230] - Start using VCPKG manifest mode in the SDK project
[SDK-3428] - Unify the way in which parallel tests are executed in SDK and MEGAchat
[SDK-3537] - Adjust Jenkinsfiles to use the VCPKG manifest for dependencies
[SDK-3550] - Patch FreeImage port for both MacOS architectures
[SDK-3561] - CMake reconfiguration fails managing the VCPKG libraries
[SDK-3547] - Include files with extension .org with the documents filter
[SDK-3287] - Make code for parallel testing reusable from outside SDK
[SDK-3510] - Use SQLite 3.33.0 building with Autotools
[SDK-3523] - Inline documentation update
[SDK-3527] - Investigate failure in SyncTest.BasicSync_MoveSeveralExistingIntoDeepNewLocalFolders
[SDK-3548] - Add new parallel testing files to the new CMake build system
[SDK-3552] - Add integration tests for command "sla"
[SDK-3553] - Update documentation for set avatar (Obj-C)
[SDK-1537] - Move removed nodes to SyncDebris when synced folder is an inshare
[SDK-3219] - If the user pauses all transfers, it must still be possible to send a bug report
[SDK-3511] - Update email from "ug" response
[SDK-3515] - Investigate failure in SyncTest.BasicSync_MoveSeveralExistingIntoDeepNewLocalFolders
[SDK-3522] - Add extra info in assert after failure in SyncTest.MirroringInternalBackupResumesInMirroringMode
[SDK-3524] - Adjust to NDEBUG
[SDK-3531] - TXT files are not included with the documents filter
[SDK-3532] - Incomplete initialization of MegaNodePrivate::MegaNodePrivate(MegaNode*)
[SDK-3536] - Spreadsheets, PDFs and presentations are not included with the documents filter
Target Apps
iOS 13.5
Android 11.5