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pipeline to deploy azure cosmo db nosql using arm template and github actions then initialize db and create containers using application builder


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Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): could not find expected ':' while scanning a simple key at line 9 column 1
page_type: sample
description: "Managed pipeline to deploy web api FE and cosmodb BE using arm template"
- GitHub Actions
- Azure Web Apps
- Azure Cosmo DB NoSQL API
- dotnet

# ASP.NET Core and Azure Cosmo DB NoSQL Api for GitHub Actions

This repo contains a sample ASP.NET Core web application which uses an Azure Cosmo DB NoSQL as a backend. The web app can be deployed to Azure Web Apps by using GitHub Actions. The workflow for this is already present in the [.github](.github) folder.

# technologies used :

* .netCore web api and swagger
* CosmoDB
* EntityFramework API for CosmoDB
* ARM Template to create and deploy web app
* Azure App service
* Customized DBContext to initialize and seed cosmo db collections


Porposes :

  • CI/CD simplifies development pipeline using git actions to deploy app to app service -> using azure app service deployment slots are recommended when pipeline triggered by git action
  • CosmoDB Entity framework data access layer
  • Using a seperate logic and db context when cosmodb model changes (newly container added to Cosmo DB) then seed the container with new items -> change the initializer db context class and update the data rather than using the dbcontext serving the api services
  • useage application initialization to create and seed new model IHostedService of Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting

Steps :

  • 1- by cloning the git repo you will have :

    • a) web api
    • b) infrastructure service to create db services create db and collections then if model changed seed containers using json file
    • c) Core project which contains models and api services
  • 2- Register an app in azure

  • 3- create a RG

  • 4- Add RBAC for the app to RG (we will use RG Scope during ARM Deployment)

  • 5- create a federation between github subject repo and azure app (github action->subjects to authenticate using microsoft graph -> acces RG -> deploy app)

az ad app create --display-name myApp
az group create --name {resource-group-name} --location {resource-group-location}
az role assignment create --role contributor --scope /subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$resourceGroupName --subscription $subscriptionId --assignee-object-id  $assigneeObjectId --assignee-principal-type ServicePrincipal
az rest --method POST --uri '<APPLICATION-OBJECT-ID>/federatedIdentityCredentials' --body '{"name":"<CREDENTIAL-NAME>","issuer":"","subject":"repo:organization/repository:ref:refs/heads/main","description":"Testing","audiences":["api://AzureADTokenExchange"]}'

find the detailed ateps here - >

6 - Deploy Arm Template to your azure subscription 7- need to add secrets to github repo in the ARM template accoding to your environement

Advantages of having a fully managed pipeline

  • 1- application configuration like cosmosDB end point and key will be added to app service during pipeline workflow and no hard coded neede nor they will be exposed in source code
  • 2- Resources will be created automatically
  • 3- CosmoDB initializer Context will check if model has been changed then start seeding containers _db_model_changed = this.Database.EnsureCreated();
  • 4- you can add your own custom collection or DB seed without imppacting the current code
  • 5- migration to new azure env will be fast and simple
  • 6- you may costomize the seed in the same db context class
  • 7- build json file will seed data into db, you can add more costomized files for different collections
  • and many more ...

Acknowledgments Good Article how to use entity frame work and cosmosDB : Use Git action and ARM template to deploy webapp into azure app service


pipeline to deploy azure cosmo db nosql using arm template and github actions then initialize db and create containers using application builder



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