A balance mod for King Arthur's Gold that attempts to make the game faster paced and more enjoyable and adds features/mechanics to less used items
DISCLAIMER: Developed without compatibility with other mods in mind, so there's a decent chance it will conflict with any mod that changes base game scripts. Partly due to how KAG mods things partly due to that I'm lazy and there's no way to fully disconnect things
- Reduced from 10 to 8 seconds
- No longer forced to builder on next map
- Removed for builders
- Crates with 500 wood and 150 stone air drop every 10 minutes above team tents
- All classes can see time until next resupply air drop where builder resupply info would be
- No longer decay
- 15 seconds
- Bases are prebuilt
- No fast building since it's just to get to the front lines
- TDM fall damage (takes 1.2x longer falls) but with less ramping (1.1 instead of 1.2)
- leads to a higher baseline but less extreme falls
- Increased move speed in water (~33% faster)
- Increased breath timer from 6 to 8 seconds
- Increased move speed on ladders
- Velocity decay decreased from 95% to 75%
- Diagonal move force reduced by 15%
- Increased size from 3x5 to 5x6
- Can no longer go through tunnels
- Returns in 10 seconds
- Can not speed up return by standing on it
- Tripled drag in water
- Fixed sprite not being centered
- Blobs no longer collide with the ceiling on non-cave maps (no blocks at the top of the map)
- Lightened the sky above the top of the map a bit to improve visibility
- Maps tend to have significantly shorter sky boxes
- Maps have extra sectors at the top of the map in addition to the normal 3-block tall no build sector:
- No blobs are allowed to be built in the top 7 blocks except unsupported spikes
- No solid blocks are allowed to be built in the top 6 blocks
- This allows doors to always be blocked and shops to always be built on top of bases
- Properly synced to clients
- Increased swing speed on man-made structures, wood, and plants
- Decreased swing speed on dirt and gold
- Increased backwall and ladder building speed
- Double damage for digging wood or stone (3 hits for wood block, 4 for stone block)
- Moss backwall is now treated like stone backwall
- Repairing blobs will no longer replace healthy stone backwall behind
- Block Breaking
- Double damage for digging wood (3 hits for wood block)
- Takes 3 jabs to break gold and 2 jabs to break everything else (instead of 3 jabs for wood and stone and 2 jabs for everything else)
- Uses same logic as indicator for breaking blocks (block highlighting will always be accurate)
- Distance increased from 2 to 3
- Now has a wider window to trigger instead of a single tick
- Displays indicator while slashing
- Indicator no longer targets grass
- Fixed fake client slash if stunned at the wrong time between double slashing
- Grapple is no longer cancelled when pressing use key
- Grapple no longer has increased drag in water
- Grapple can collide with boats
- Grapple no longer pulls objects
- Fixed charge getting stuck when jabbed
- Can no longer harvest arrows mid-air
- Added bullet stomps (thanks bunnie!)
- Stomping now briefly prevents fall damage
- Arrows do full damage to wood structures instead of 1/8 heart for damage <= 1 heart and 1/4 * damage for damage > 1 heart
- wood doors = 7 hearts
- platforms = 5 hearts
- Swords do 43.75% damage to wood structures instead of 1/8 heart for damage <= 1 heart and 1/4 * damage for damage > 1 heart
- wood doors = 11 jabs
- platforms = 12 jabs
- ladders = 5 jabs
- wood shops = 10 jabs
- quarry = 19 jabs
- tunnels = 37 jabs
- Drills do 2x damage to wood and stone structures
- Ignore no build zones, allowing them to destroy backwall in the flag room and behind shops
- Removed threshold for weaker blast force
- Blast force applied client side to fix issues with dud jumps
- Do 1.2x damage to stone structures instead of half (2 shot stone doors and spikes)
- Do 2x damage to wood structures instead of 1.4x (1 shot wood doors, already 1 shot wood buildings, 3 shot tunnel)
- No longer damage gold
- Can spread diagonally
- Can spread from non-player and non-vehicle blobs
- Gives 10 coins per hit instead of gold
- Gold is only present in middle of map
- No longer damaged by explosives
- Can no longer be drilled
- Builders dig gold at the speed that they dig dirt
- Decreased coins per heart of damage from 6 to 4 (8 to 6 for builders)
- Decreased coins per kill from 12 to 10 (10 to 8 for builders)
- Decreased coins per assist from 8 to 6 (15 to 12 for builders)
- Can only grow if there is no more than 1 other tree within 16 blocks
- Added visible bounding box around saplings and trees when holding a sapling
- Removed RNG
- Pine and Bushy trees now have the same stats
- Always grow to 7 segments / 13 blocks tall
- Grows a segment every 350 ticks
- Saplings turn into trees in 500 ticks
- Can be automatically harvested using saws
- Produces ~200 wood per minute
- Purchaseable at the quarters for 100 coins
- Saplings can no longer be placed on each other
- Can build buildings behind trees
- Can be placed on non-static blobs
- Can place platforms inside of trees
- Can no longer grow inside of static blobs or on other trees
- Can no longer build blocks on top of saplings placed with left click
- Fixed misalignment from seeds (no build would float half a block off the ground)
- Fixed logs clipping into the ceiling or floor when spawned
- Logs no longer collide with bridges or platforms
- Redid collapse code
- Checks on the falling edge for solid blocks and doors
- Fixed a bug where could drop logs incorrectly
- No longer collides with platforms and bridges when falling
- Redid growth code
- Can now break Wood and stone blocks and doors
- Can no longer grow in one tall holes if the block above isn't breakable
- No longer breaks bridges and platforms
- Nobuild/tree sectors are now tile aligned
- Disabled
- Fish, grain, flowers, and chickens no longer spawn randomly
- Disabled when there are not enough players on each team if the match has not started
- Adjusted Z index for the following items. A higher Z will render in front. Most things including players are at 0.
- tree trunks - ~-9.9 (Render in front of saws and buildings)
- bucket - 1
- platform - 2
- keg - 15
- bomb bolts - 18
- water arrows - 19
- fire arrows - 20
- bomb arrows - 21
- mine - 25
- log - 30
- crate - 35
- bush, grain, flower - 40
- saplings - 45
- Added line of sight check
- Added distance check
- Merged Gingerbeard's crash fix (transhumandesign/kag-base#2145)
- Opening a wheel menu no longer centers mouse
- Added distance check
- Hit vehicles instead of their drivers
- Can now placed behind bushes
- Will not hit players in vehicles
- Collides with vehicles and crates
- Can hit vehicles, crates, and corpses when activating
- Can spike drop at the top of the map if not supported
- Now properly hit by kegs
- Only bloody when hitting flesh
- Seclevs are properly synced to clients
- Players are always moved to spec when AFK instead of being kicked
- Can no longer be built on top of crates or boats
- Shops close and can not be opened when stunned
- Costs 400 wood total
- Costs 500 wood total and 250 stone
- Can no longer travel with flags
- Removed (Makes room for quarry and redundant with crates)
- Costs 250 wood total and 50 stone
- Produces 20 stone for 100 wood every 15 seconds after starting
- Consumes almost all of the wood from the trees in front of it
- Can only produce with two trees or saplings that can grow overlapping
- Added sounds, button hints, and description for feedback
- Produced stone in center instead of offset to the left one block
- Can hold 800 wood total
- Shows full fuel level above 500 wood
- Shows mid fuel level above 200 wood
- Shows low fuel level above 0
- Increased health from 1.5 to 2.5
- Reduced wood on hit from 3 to 2 to account for the extra hit needed
- Increased player move speed
- Velocity decay decreased from 95% to 75%
- Diagonal move force reduced by 15%
- All vehicle shapes have been tweaked/cleaned up
- All vehicles are slowed by 25% when hit by a sword
- Drivers are protected from damage besides drowning
- Drivers take burn damage if their vehicle is on fire
- Drivers can be knocked out using water
- Water bombs now collide with enemy vehicles
- Fixed an issue where stunned players can get into vehicles
- Take full damage from arrows
- Take 1.5x damage from swords
- Can collide when attached (can be shot)
- Take 3x damage from builders instead of 2x
- Take 5x damage from bomb arrows instead of 8x
- Take 4.5x damage from kegs
- Take .25x damage from catapult rocks
- Always give 2 coins per hit instead of 2 * damage
- Deploy instantly
- Can't be captured
- Don't break while flipped
- No spawn points
- Can deploy at the top of the map
- Can not deploy on enemy players
- All seats render floating arrows that no longer flicker
- Removed priority for seats for vehicles that are attached to other vehicles
- Only attach to other vehicles on collision
- Redone map destruction and player crushing using raycasting
- Only does damage in front of the boat
- Can crush enemy dinghies
- Much less drag
- Slower acceleration
- Each seat is faster
- Rear water only shows when you have enough speed to break blocks
- Can only turn around when rear water is showing
- Reduced bobbing in water
- Don't break on land (or if left alone???)
- Doesn't sink on low health
- No longer have wood cost
- No longer have an inventory
- No longer can detach attached siege weapons
- Automatically deploy when packed crates are in water
- Can not deploy on top of other boats
- Collide with friendly boats
- Removed FakeBoatCollision.as, fixes issues with boats warping and makes boat collisions better
- Removed RunOverPeople.as, nerfs crushing people and other boats, makes boat collisions better
- Removed HurtOnCollide.as, use raycasting instead
- Cost 40 coins
- Damage taken is consistent with other vehicles
- Spawn in crates like other vehicles
- Need a 6 x 3 area to deploy
- No longer can be picked up
- Cost 200 coins
- Health increased to 25
- Spawns with a catapult
- Need a 10 x 4 area to deploy
- Removed front 3 seats, adjusted back 3 seats
- Fixed bug where sail seat could drive on land
- All rower seats also activate the sail
- Slightly moved vehicle attachment point forward
- Cost 300 coins
- Health increased to 50
- Spawns with a ballista
- Need a 12 x 6 area to deploy
- Health decreased from 45 to 30
- Removed front 3 seats
- Moved vehicle attachment point to front
- Has an extended roof
- Don't break in water
- Can no longer shoot through platforms
- Can no longer crush players
- No longer drop ammo on death
- Projectiles ignore no build zones, allowing them to destroy backwall in the flag room and behind shops
- 50% Faster and can turn around easier
- No longer turn around while firing or on cooldown
- Can readd wheels after immobilizing
- Moved load item and ammo buttons to fixed location instead of based off of the magazine position
- Driver is also gunner, gunner seat is removed
- Drivers render in front of arms but behind front layers
- Vehicle driving changes to be able to drive over terrain better
- Lowered center of mass
- Removed shape elasticity
- Adjusted shape to ramp over blocks better
- Clamped max rotation to 45 degrees
- Removed terrain damage to allow for better bridging
- Increased margin for being able to wall climb (can reliably climb over 3 block walls)
- Rocks reworked
- Deal half a heart of damage to players
- Deal 2 hearts to all other blocks
- Hit backwall 3 times
- Hit blocks 2 times
- Break instantly when hitting something
- No piercing
- No ricochets
- Makes for more consistency in gameplay and visuals
- Now shoots 25 rocks instead of 7
- Each rock costs 2 stone instead of 3 (max of 50 stone per shot)
- Doubled the amount of vertical spread on catapult shots
- Can hold 200 stone in reserve
- Cost 225 coins
- No longer stuns players when launching them
- Anything launched has an unmodified vertical launch force (normally .75 for players and 1.1 for anything else)
- Fixed arm angle not being correct when deployed from a crate
- Can aim up to 60° lower
- Bomb bolt linear explosion damaged increase
- width from 1 to 2 blocks
- max depth from 2 to 4 blocks
- explosion damage (vs blobs) limited from 8 to 4 blocks
- Cost 200 coins instead of 150
- Bomb bolts cost 150 coins instead of 100
- Initial and purchased bolt count decreased from 12 to 6
- Need a 5 x 5 area to deploy
- Bolt drag multiplier in water decreased from 5 to 1.5
- Bolts no longer collide with invincible blobs
- Fixed an issue where explosions would not happen client side
- Added feedback upon successfully killing a bolt with your sword
- Health increased from 2 to 10
- Can fire every 15 ticks instead of every 25 ticks (every .75 seconds instead of 1.25 seconds)
- Arrows no longer decay
- Arrows no longer have random inaccuracy
- Arrows no longer have 2x drag
- Launch speed reduced from 25 to 21
- Can be hit by enemy projectiles
- Automatically cut fully grown trees down that are behind them
- Will not automatically cut trees when there are not enough players on each team if the match has not started
- Are now flammable
- Take increased damage in alignment with
Wood Structure Damage
section above - Can destroy enemy mines from all sides instead of just the top
- Take double damage from explosives
- No longer launch bombs vertically
- Now kill players inside crates when sawing crates
- Increase bounce velocity from 10 to 11
- Bounce from all angles
- No longer "medium" weight (no slow down while carrying)
- Can use M1 and M2 while holding a trampoline
- Archers: Shoot arrows and grapple. Arrows always collide with trampoline
- Knights: Slash, jab, and shield as normal
- Builders: Can only dig, since selecting a block makes you drop what you are holding
- Can bounce boulders into rock and roll mode if a player is holding the trampoline
- Cost 120 coins so they can be bought with by all classes but are less spammable
- Snap to angles by default
- Can hold down to get exact angles
- Are now flammable
- Burn until destroyed
- Take 2x fire damage
- Takes 1 heart of damage immediately from fire arrow
- Ignite things that they bounce while on fire
- Ignite any held objects as well
- No longer bounce enemy fire arrows
- Can use action3 key (default space) to lock the angle the trampoline is facing
- Has small sound to indicate when the trampoline is locked
- Can be folded using interact (e by default)
- Fixed getting stunned when jumping on trampolines on the ground
- Team based collisions
- added team colors to sprite
- does not collide with allied players
- allows friendly archers to shoot through them but not enemy
- Cost 40 coins so they can be bought by all classes but are less spammable
- Can still convert to your team by picking them up
- Ignore no build zones when in rock and roll mode, allowing them to destroy backwall in the flag room and behind shops
- Can be bounced off a trampoline to activate rock and roll mode
- Tick faster in rock and roll mode (damage happens faster so it will blow holes in walls rather than phase through and break blocks intermittently)
- Can break static blobs (doors, platforms, etc) in rock and roll mode
- Breaks up to 16 blocks in rock and roll mode
- No longer slowed down when breaking blocks in rock and roll mode
- Improved rock and roll tile damage code
- Fixed radius and full 360 degree arc for block and blob detection
- Breaks backwall underneath in a plus constantly
- Leads to much more consistency and wider holes
- Hits friendly static blobs in line with other siege
- Won't break when exiting
- Reworked getting into crates to use attachments instead of inventories, which are less buggy especially for laggy players
- Has the side effect that players do not take up space in the inventory
- Uses the same protection logic as vehicles
- Swapped keys for get in/get out and empty contents. By default pressing space gets in and out without a button popup, e now gives a button for emptying contents
- Players will be stunned for any command if there is an enemy inside
- Pressing e while inside of a crate will deploy it
- Creates a 3x3 of wood backwall with platforms facing up on top
- Will not replace any blocks, only building up until it runs into something
- Will not deploy if:
- None of the bottom backwalls are supported
- None of the platforms are able to be placed
- Too close to the edges of the map
- Parachute crates no longer sway in the wind
- Parachute crates can be shot down by arrows on any team
- Exiting a crate no longer gives the player a jump
- Fixed players getting in crates while not holding them
- Opening a crate with an enemy player only stun for half a second instead of a full second
- Sawing a crate with a player inside saws the player as well
- Inventory increased from 3x3 to 4x3
- Displays label if anything is in inventory
- Heavily reduced air friction
- Cost 100 wood instead of 150
- Take 50% more damage from builders (takes 6 hits to break instead of 8)
- No longer decay in water
- No longer decay if spammed
- Can be picked up by enemy players without having to overlap the crate
- Changes team when picked up
- Now gives the "medium weight" tag instead of "heavy weight" tag when carrying a lit keg
- Can now breathe in crates
- Can automatically pick up materials again
- No longer automatically picks up normal arrows
- Automatically pickup ballista bolts and bomb bolts
- Fixed vehicle deployments
- Appropriately sized area checks for each vehicle
- Fixed map alignment for area check
- Can not deploy on enemy players
- Area check is now checked from crate upwards instead of centered on the crate
- Can no longer dig gold
- Deals half a heart base damage instead of a full heart
- No longer deals overheat damage
- Blocked completely by shield
- Give 100% of tile resources dug
- Can no longer right click when holding a drill as builder
- Drills do 2x damage to wood and stone structures
- Only hits dirt and stone/thickstone once per hit instead of twice
- Digging stone heats up the drill at the same rate as constructed block
- Dig pure dirt 3x slower and properly detected (30 ticks instead of 10)
- Digging pure dirt overheats the drill incredibly fast
- Will overheat even in water
- Water slowdown is now double instead of a fixed rate
- Digging pure dirt in water is excruciatingly slow (60 ticks)
- Digging resources is slightly faster (16 tick delay instead of 20)
- Can only splash once before needing a refill
- Slightly bigger splash area
- Can be used in water
- Cost 15 coins
- Cost 10 instead of 15 coins to punish players less financially (a lost inventory slot is already a lot)
- Collide with enemy arrows
- Have 5x the amount of health (will last 5x longer when climbed on)
- Decreased drag multiplier in water from 5 to 1.5
- Can no longer be harvested mid-air
- Cost 25 coins for 1 instead of 15
- Cost 50 coins for 2 instead of 30
- Always flare even if not on flammable surface
- Ignite instantly on contact
- Added animation and sound for instant feedback
- Collide with enemy trampolines
- Does an immediate heart of damage to the trampoline
- Fire arrow flares don't do an extra half heart to things they ignite
- Direct arrow hits still do full damage plus burn damage
- Cost 75 coins for 1 instead of 50
- Explode in a circular 6 block radius instead of doing bomberman plus shape
- Deal double damage to structures
- Deal full damage in the inner 80% of their explosion instead of 70%
- Can 1-shot a tunnel from a 1-wide wall on the side or 2-tall wall vertically
- Improved explosion visuals
- Ignite from any fire damage
- Fixed fuse sound not resetting when extinguished
- Fixed screen shake happening when the keg wasn't exploding
- Cost 160 coins
- Removed 10 tick inconsistency in fuse timer (thanks bunnie!)
- Now make sounds on damage and gibs on death (thanks mugg91!)
- Deploy after timer like they used to
- Can still be picked up
- Now collide with enemy vehicles
- Team based: only players on the item's team can eat them
- Added team colors to all food sprites
- Picking up a food will still change it to that player's team (can catch enemy food but leads to more medic plays)
- Not team based (ignores change above)
- Dont despawn
- Not account age based
- Are no longer buyable from the quarters
- Hatch in 20 seconds instead of 50
- No longer hatch while attached
- Hatch time reset when detached
- Spawn chickens on the same team as the chicken that laid them
- Will not spawn a chicken when hatching if there is already 4 chickens within 10 blocks
- Ignores chickens that are attached or in inventory
- Will not spawn a chicken if there is not enough space
- Will no longer clip chickens out of walls
- Are bought directly from the quarters for 50 coins
- Hover is stronger
- Hover decays after 3 seconds
- Wall climbing/jumping resets hover counter
- Grapple resets hover counter when pulling you upwards
- You can press
to not hover while holding a chicken - Can now jump once midair using space
- Jump resets wall climb as well
- Recharges after 2 seconds when holding the chicken on the ground, on a ladder, in water, or grappling upwards
- Dies if player holding it takes damage from an enemy
- Max horizontal speed decreased with strong decay for speeds above threshold while in the air
- Can now be burned
- Will lay eggs if there are less than 3 other chickens and eggs within 10 blocks
- Ignores chickens and eggs that are attached or in inventory
- Only have 0.1 health
- Converted to your team when picked up (no friendly fire)
- Added team colors to sprite
- Spawn on your team during build phase
- No longer use a global variable for sounds and egg laying
- Can now be bought for 100 coins
- Can no longer be placed on top of each other
- Now show tree limit and growth height around existing trees and saplings while held
- Can no longer place blocks on top of them when placed with left click
- Turn into trees in 500 ticks