Developed by Melanie Archer.
A static webpage incrementally converted to a mobile-ready web application.
In Stage Two, the additions are:
- using the Gulp toolkit to handle image and asset compression
- saving data from a server to a browser-side IndexedDB database
- removing duplicate JavaScript functions
In a console or terminal, go to the folder on your local computer where you have placed the code, and type
npm install
and then
and then
gulp build
to complete installation.
Now you will start an HTTP server on your local computer.
- First, go to the appropriate folder in the code:
cd ./dist
One method to start the server is to use a simple Python tool that you probably already have installed on your computer. Try the following:
- In a console or terminal, check the version of Python you have:
python -V
- If you have Python 2.x, start the server by typing this into the console window:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
- If you have Python 3.x, type:
python3 -m http.server 8000
- If you don't have Python installed, go to the Python website to download and install the software.
Now you will handle the data server.
In a console or terminal, go to the folder on your local computer where you have placed the code, and type
npm install
and then
npm install sails -g
to complete installation.
- Start the data server by typing:
node server
With both of these servers running, visit the site: http://localhost:8000.