This is dummy blog application.
The project is mirored from GITHUB DUMMY FASTAPI FLASK BLOG APP
Application is simultaneously served as a Flask and a FastAPI front-end. Postgresql the database and Nginx as reverse proxy.
Certbot and Nginx handle the HTTPS.
Celery and RabbitMQ are set to be able to send mail through Twilio SendGrid, as asynchrinous tasks.
Redis lists Celery's tasks executions.
Each of these services run on Docker. To avoid excessive spending only 1 virtual machine is used.
Also the Gitlab subscription is the free default one.
Focus is more on technologies and how bind it for a project. This is the aim.
Do not pay much attention to the HTML-CSS-JS part.
Look at GitHub issues to see what has to be done, what should be updated.
If the dummy example application is up you will find it at:
Flask Front:
FastAPI Front:
A visitor account is created for anybody: visiteur / @pplepie94 / [email protected]
About Vault and sensitive datas
The Vault here has a simple jwt authentication method. Idea is just to a avoid to have sensitive datas on Gitlab.
Purpose is that we do not want a project user, be able to echo the vars through the gitlab-ci.yml.
The SSH_PRIVATE_KEY is protected with a SSH passphrase. So the private key can be display in logs, but not the passphrase.
POSTGRES_PASSWORD in the Gitlab settings stands for the default Postgresql's Docker image password. This password is only used during unit_tests step.
By convenience, and because we do not want to use multiple virtual machines (droplets) the Vault is recreated at each new deployment into production.
Vault service is used to set sensitive datas as Docker swarm secrets. The service is shutdown before the swarm stack deployment.
So currently the Docker swarm is run by a "dummy_user"; he can exec into containers and so see the docker secrets.
Next step will be to have a Vault service always running so no secrets could be see within containers.
Remember it's just a dummy project.
A default virtual machine with 1vcpu and 2gb RAM is needed
Python 3.12 and later
Postgresql 15 (driver psycopg 3)
Gunicorn (for Flask)
Uvicorn (for FastAPI)
Docker (docker compose), DockerHub, Docker Scout
Gitlab (the CI/CD chain is engaged throuh the Gitlab repo)
Twilio SendGrid
Lynis (for the virtual machine, droplet, hardening)
Notice: if you use VisualCode remember that you can preview the markdown from VisualCode by running: Ctrl+Shift+V
Notice: currently the postgres password is the default one.
There is no use of the create_app design pattern for Flask.
The FastAPI app is the main one, and executes the database initialization at boot.
Github Action workflows are used. You must set secrets (tokens which allow the exchanges).
Celery worker use a default configuration.
Rabbitmq is setup with a default configuration (we just set a specific user, password and vhost).
Celery uses 2 types of exchanges: fanout and direct.
The first one is a broadcast, which spread a task execution order.
The second one is for the celery worker to return message result to the rabbitmq queue.
rabbitmqctl list_queues -p your_rabbitmq_vhost name messages
rabbitmqctl list_bindings -p your_rabbitmq_vhost
Cloudflare even with a free subscription offers a basic protection against bots:
Codacy and Snyk already display updates to be done. You can also see from Sonarqube that there's much to be done:
Also Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) raises warnings and alerts:
For a local usage (without docker) first be sure service is running (Linux example command):
sudo systemctl start postgresql
Password must match the POSTGRES_PASSWORD defined in the .envrc.* files. So you may have to update it.
[postgres@sanjurolab ~]$ psql psql (15.1) Type "help" for help. postgres=# \password postgres Enter new password for user "postgres": Enter it again:
You will need a SECRET_KEY var in able to run the application.
To create one, either use python secrets module, or openssl:
python -c "import secrets;print(secrets.token_hex())"
openssl rand -hex 32
For a local docker execution:
At the project root folder, touch (create) a ".env" file.
Notice that this file is the one used for local deployment with local-docker-stack.yml.
The admin user is an application's admin. Not a Postgresql role. The engine use the default postgres user.
The "dummy-operator" must match the one defined in the Gunicorn Dockerfile.
Set something like this:
export ADMIN_LOGIN="admin" export ADMIN_PASSWORD="@pplepie94" #notice this is not the real password export ADMIN_EMAIL="[email protected]" #use a real email export APP_FOLDER=/home/dummy-operator/flask export BETTERSTACK_SOURCE_TOKEN="yourBetterstackToken" export CELERY_BROKER_URL="pyamqp://$RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER:$RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS@rabbitmq:5672/$RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_VHOST" export CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND="your redis url" export COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN="yourCoverallsToken" export FLASK_APP=project/ export FLASK_DEBUG=1 export HCAPTCHA_SITE_KEY="yourHcaptchaSiteSecret" export HCAPTCHA_SITE_SECRET="yourHcaptchaSecret" export PDF_FOLDER_PATH="/tmp" export PDF_FILE_NAME="dummy_books" export POSTGRES_USER="postgres" export POSTGRES_PASSWORD="postgres" export POSTGRES_TEST_DB_NAME="test_dummy_blog" export POSTGRES_PORT="5432" export POSTGRES_HOST="db" export RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER="your_rabbitmq_user" export RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS="your_rabbitmq_password" export RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_VHOST="your_rabbitmq_vhost" export SECRET_KEY="YourSUperSecretKey123oclock" export SCOPE="development" export SENDGRID_API_KEY="your sendgrid api key" export SWARM_IP="your_ip" export TEST_USER_PWD="@pplepie94" export TIMEZONE="Europe/Paris"
POSTGRES_HOST refers to the postgresql service name
SCOPE: for a local execution you set "development".
Anything else than "production" or "development" allow tests to be run.
Clone the repository
`git clone`
`cd dummy_fastapi_flask_blog_app`
You do not need to create a python virtualenv.
Example (for Linux):
docker service ls
docker swarm leave --force
Flask front-end will be reachable at:
Swagger docs will then be served at:
As we run locally, there is a default test database set with some dummies data (see app/packages/
You will be able to login with following (example) credentials: donald / applepie94 / [email protected].
You can set some default variables in "app/packages/".
Notice we set a pytest.ini file to define our patterns.
Tests occure when you run it locally, or during the ci-cd execution.
Avoid to change tests order (particulary about the session cookie in tests_flask_urls).
To run test for a local execution (ensure postgresql service is started, and the .env file created):
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
source .env
pip install -U pip
pip install -r app/packages/celery_client_and_worker/requirements.txt
pip install -r app/packages/fastapi/requirements.txt
pip install -r app/packages/flask_app/requirements.txt
python -m coverage run -m pytest -vs app/
python -m coverage report
To create a friendly html report in a cov_html folder:
python -m coverage html -d cov_html
90 should be the minimum relevent score.
To run test during the gilab-ci execution, see .gitlab-ci.yml file.
You must also pay attention to the following Gitlab's CI/CD settings variables. During gitlab-ci tests, the official postgresql image is used.
POSTGRES_DB: test_dummy_blog
pip install black pylint flake8-html bandit
You can use black to format code:
black app/packages/
black app/tests/
You can check for a flake8's lint:
flake8 app/ --max-line-length=127 --count --statistics
You can check the lint score:
pylint app/
You can check for common security issues in Python code:
python -m bandit -r app/
You must have a virtual machine. Here we used DigitalOcean cloud provider.
We use HashiCorp Terraform tool to generate the virtual machine (the "droplet") on DigitalOcean.
Notice and adapt the VirtualMachine /Droplet's definition file.
These variables are used to create the virtual machine ("droplet"), and to setup the Vault.
Notice the "terraform/" file which set the desired rules (8200 is for the Vault).
You must have a DigitalOcean account, then created a personal access token, and a ssh dedicated key-pair.
In the following sequence you can change directory into the terraform dir (cd terraform) to avoid the "-chdir" usage.
Copy the variables file and set the ones you need:
cp terraform/ terraform/
Export your DigitalOcean personal access token:
export DO_PAT="dop_v1_2WhatADopSecretIsNotItAsLongItIs"
Initialize terraform:
terraform -chdir=terraform init
Create terraform plan:
terraform -chdir=terraform plan -var "do_token=${DO_PAT}" -var "pvt_key=[path to your private key]"
Execute the plan,
terraform -chdir=terraform apply -var "do_token=${DO_PAT}" -var "pvt_key=[path to your private key]" -auto-approve
Watch out the end of execution and because it succeeded, consult the following.
terraform -chdir=terraform state list
terraform -chdir=terraform state show digitalocean_droplet.dummy-django-with-docker
Notice the public ipv4_address. Source your ssh private key and login through ssh.
ssh dummy-user@PublicIpAddress
If you need to destroy the droplet:
terraform -chdir=terraform plan -destroy -out=terraform.tfplan \ -var "do_token=${DO_PAT}" \ -var "pvt_key=/home/sanjuro/.ssh/terraform/id_rsa"
terraform -chdir=terraform apply terraform.tfplan
Only a push to the master branch will trigger the deploy step of the gitlab-ci.yml file
Do not remove the "dummy_user_certbot-etc" volume because certbot will store the https cert in it.
For the production docker execution:
As we use the gitlab-ci we have to set these settings in the Gitlab project.
Remember to add a blank line at the end of SSH_PRIVATE_KEY declaration.
The passwords vars are used for the tests steps. They are not the ones in the vault.
CERTBOT_EMAIL is set as Protected, Masked, Hidden and Expanded.
Notice: not all the necessary CI/CD variables are illustrated in the picture below.
See logs on Betterstack.
to see rabbitmq queue (once you get into the container)
rabbitmqctl list_users
rabbitmqctl list_vhosts
rabbitmqctl list_queues -p your_rabbitmq_user name messages
rabbitmqctl list_bindings -p your_rabbitmq_vhost
to see the history of tasks executed by celery workers (once you get into the container)
redis-cli KEYS *
redis-cli GET
to reset the redis database: redis-cli FLUSHDB
to remove sepecific task: redis-cli DEL celery-task-meta-<task_id>
You should use the "lynis" tool on the virtual machine and run "lynis audit system".
80 is a minimum relevent score.
To run Flask behind Gunicorn and Nginx i used the following link:
For Flask i used:
For Flask image upload i used:
For Flask template custom filters i used:
For Flask hCaptcha i used:
For FastAPI, the ci-cd i used:
To avoid log warning "AttributeError: module 'bcrypt' has no attribute 'about'" i followed theses links:
Because of "CVE-2024-23342 ecdsa may be vulnerable to the Minerva attack" we do not use python-jose:
See how we implement the FastAPI security principles in app/packages/fastapi/routes/
To use the Hashicorp Vault, and learn how to use it:
To understand Terraform templates usage i used:
To set the DigitalOcean Firewall through Terraform i used:
To set Nginx i used:
For the matplotlib charts i used:
For the logo and favicon.ico i used:
About predefined variables for gitlab-ci:
For the Docker-Hub registry credentials:
For Celery, RabbitMQ and Redis is used: