Make search over products using natural language [french only].
Keywords are extracted from the query, labeled and translated into SQL queries.
top 2 meilleur qualité de légumes et fruit supérieure ou égale à 7 avec un prix entre 3000 et 5000
Adjectives: (1)
6=Adjective{id=0, name='meilleur', effect='+'}
Categories: (2)
26=Category{id=1, name='légume'},
37=Category{id=0, name='fruit'}
Criteria: (2)
15=Criteria{id=2, name='qualité', label='quality', typeCriteria='numeric', bestValue='+'},
75=Criteria{id=0, name='prix', label='price', typeCriteria='numeric', bestValue='-'}
Comparators: (3)
43=Comparator{id=0, name='supérieur', value='>', parameterType='numeric', parameterNumber=1},
57=Comparator{id=2, name='égal', value='=', parameterType='numeric', parameterNumber=1},
80=Comparator{id=1, name='entre', value='BETWEEN', parameterType='numeric', parameterNumber=2}
Products: (0){}
SELECT *, AS category_name, +(+quality / COALESCE(NULLIF(+price,0),1)) as priority FROM product p JOIN category c ON = p.category_id WHERE (category_id = 1 OR category_id = 0) AND quality > 7 OR (price = 7 AND price BETWEEN 3000 AND 5000) ORDER BY priority DESC LIMIT 2
Required java >= 17 and maven installed
- After cloning the repository, run the following command to install the required packages:
mvn clean install
- To run the application, run the following command:
mvn spring-boot:run
- Insert rows in
into the database - The application will be available at the following address: