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Extrix is a cli tool that simplify data extraction from documents to structured format


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📊 Extrix - Data Information Extractor

🎯 Overview

Extrix is a tool that simplify data extraction from documents (PDF, Word, etc.) and outputs structured data in .json or .csv format. It uses a language model (LLM) to get best understanding of the context and extract data.

See test results here


✨ Features

  • Data extraction from documents (Text based or scanned image)
  • Structured output .json or .csv
  • Output validation with a model schema (Pyndatic Model or JSON Schema)
  • Multi-language support
  • CLI Tool
  • LLM that support tooling integrations for data extraction
  • LLM that not support tooling integrations for data extraction
  • Web API
  • Docker container
  • Multiple document processing options (Unstructured, EasyOCR, TesserOCR)
  • LLM monitoring (tokens consumption, cost estimation, etc.)
  • Vision Language Model (VLM) support
  • Python library
  • ...

📚 Table of Contents

🚀 Installation

📋 Requirements

  • Python 3.10 or higher
  • Pip, Virtualenv
  • Libmagic, Poppler, Tesseract

Example of installation on macOS

brew install libmagic poppler tesseract

🔧 Steps

Clone the repository using git or download the zip file

git clone

Get inside the project directory

cd data-extraction

Create a virtual environment

python -m venv venv

Activate the virtual environment

source venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

🚀 Quick Start with Docker

Pull and Run

# Pull the image
docker pull

# Run with example file
docker run -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data "data/example.pdf"

Build from Source

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd extrix

# Build the image
docker build -t extrix .

# Run with your documents
docker run -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data extrix "data/*.pdf"

Environment Configuration

Create a .env file with your configuration:

# LLM Provider (Required)

# Optional configurations

Run with your config:

docker run --env-file .env -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data extrix "data/*.pdf"

💡 Usage

📐 Create a model

Model is a schema that defines the structure of the output data. It is used to validate the output data. It can be a Pydantic model or a JSON schema.

Description of each field in the model is important to help the LLM to understand the context and extract data.

Example of a model schema for a leasing contract

📄 Json model (config/model.json)
    "name": "Leasing",
    "description": "Informations extraites d'un contrat de location",
    "fields": {
        "bailleur": {
            "field_type": "str",
            "title": "Bailleur",
            "description": "prénom nom des personnes SI SEULEMENT des particuliers, sinon nom de la société UNIQUEMENT",
            "required": true
        "preneur": {
            "field_type": "str",
            "title": "Preneur",
            "description": "prénom nom des personnes SI SEULEMENT des particuliers, sinon nom de la société UNIQUEMENT",
            "required": true
        "adresse": {
            "field_type": "str",
            "title": "Adresse du bien loué",
            "description": "Numéro, rue, code postal, ville",
            "required": true
        "description": {
            "field_type": "str",
            "title": "Description du bien et type d'usage",
            "description": "Description sous forme de liste, et types d'usage à la fin uniquement, pas de phrases",
            "required": true
        "surface": {
            "field_type": "float",
            "title": "Surface",
            "description": "Surface du bien loué en m²",
            "required": true
        "date_prise_effet": {
            "field_type": "date",
            "title": "Date de prise d'effet",
            "description": "Date de prise d'effet du bail",
            "required": true
        "date_fin": {
            "field_type": "date",
            "title": "Date de fin",
            "description": "Date de fin du bail",
            "required": true,
            "validators": [
                    "type": "registered",
                    "name": "date_after",
                    "params": {
                        "field": "date_prise_effet"
        "duree_bail": {
            "field_type": "delay",
            "title": "Durée du bail",
            "description": "Durée du bail en années et mois",
            "required": true,
            "validators": [
                    "type": "registered",
                    "name": "delay_matches_dates",
                    "params": {
                        "start_date": "date_prise_effet",
                        "end_date": "date_fin"
🐍 Pydantic model
class Leasing(BaseModel):
    bailleur: str = Field(
        description="Nom de la société UNIQUEMENT ou prénom nom de la personne UNIQUEMENT"
    preneur: str = Field(
        description="Nom de la société UNIQUEMENT ou prénom nom de la personne UNIQUEMENT"
    adresse: str = Field(
        title="Adresse du bien loué",
        description="Numéro, rue, code postal, ville"
    description: str = Field(
        title="Description du bien",
        description="Description sous forme de liste, avec usages et équipements inclus, pas de phrases"
    surface: float = Field(
        description="Surface du bien loué en m²"
    date_prise_effet: Date = Field(
        title="Date de prise d'effet",
        description="Date de prise d'effet du bail"
    date_fin: Date = Field(
        title="Date de fin",
        description="Date de fin du bail"
    duree_bail: Delay = Field(
        title="Durée du bail",
        description="Durée du bail en années et mois"

    def validate_date_fin(cls, v: Date, info: ValidationInfo) -> datetime:
        # implementation
    def validate_duree_bail(cls, v: Delay, info: ValidationInfo) -> Delay:
        # implementation

    model_config = {
        "json_schema_extra": {
            "description": "Informations extraites d'un contrat de location"

📝 Examples (optional)

Examples is another way to help the LLM to understand the context and extract data. It is json file that contains examples of the output data.

Role assistant is used to indicate the output of the LLM. You can also use role user to indicate the input data. See Message concept for more details.

Examples for a leasing contract according to the model above (data/examples.json)

    "examples": [
            "role": "assistant",
            "content": {
                "bailleur": "Nvidia",
                "preneur": "Jean Dupont",
                "adresse": "12 rue de la paix, 75000 Paris",
                "description": "Appartement de 3 pièces, 2 chambres, 1 salle de bain, 1 cuisine, 1 salon | usage: habitation uniquement",
                "surface": 50.0,
                "date_prise_effet": {
                    "year": 2022,
                    "month": 1,
                    "day": 31
                "date_fin": {
                    "year": 2023,
                    "month": 1,
                    "day": 31
                "duree_bail": {
                    "years": 1

⚙️ Set the configuration (.env)

Create a .env file in the project directory and set the configuration. You can use the .env.example file as a template.

For now, all providers from here and LLM with tooling integrations are supported.

# File processing configuration
CACHE_DIR = "./tmp/cache"
# Set the API key for unstructured API if you want to use it

# LLM configuration
# Api keys for any supported LLM provider (e.g., google-genai, ollama SEE langchain providers documentation for the name of the variables)

# Monitoring
MONITORING_FILE_PATH = "monitoring.json"
COST_MAPPING_PATH = "config/cost_mapping.json"

🖥️ Run the CLI tool

Basic usage of the CLI tool, see Configuration for more details.

The path can be a file or a glob pattern (e.g., data/*.pdf)

python "data/BAIL 3.pdf"

Example of output from data/Bail 3.PDF

    "bailleur": "François Girard",
    "preneur": "Maison du Livre",
    "adresse": "4 Rue de l'Académie, 75009 Paris",
    "description": "une grande salle de vente, un bureau et des sanitaires | usage: librairie",
    "surface": 60.0,
    "date_prise_effet": {
      "day": 1,
      "month": 6,
      "year": 2025
    "date_fin": {
      "day": 31,
      "month": 5,
      "year": 2034
    "duree_bail": {
      "years": 9,
      "months": 0

📊 Monitoring LLM usage

The monitoring file is a JSON file that contains the usage of the LLM. It can be set using the MONITORING_FILE_PATH in the .env file.

The cost is based on the actual pricing of the LLM provider. The cost mapping can be updated in config/cost_mapping.json.

Example of monitoring file

    "timestamp": "2025-02-10T23:23:22.340297",
    "model": "gemini-1.5-flash",
    "provider": "google-genai",
    "duration_seconds": 393.38787699999995,
    "input_tokens": 175982,
    "output_tokens": 25027,
    "total_tokens": 200009,
    "estimated_cost_usd": "xxx"
    "timestamp": "2025-02-11T00:40:50.692436",
    "model": "gemini-1.5-pro",
    "provider": "google-genai",
    "duration_seconds": 24.356106,
    "input_tokens": 6984,
    "output_tokens": 429,
    "total_tokens": 7413,
    "estimated_cost_usd": "xxx"

⚙️ Configuration

usage: [-h] [--languages LANGUAGES [LANGUAGES ...]] [--strategy {auto,hi_res,fast}]
              [--no-cache] [--processor {unstructured,easyocr,tesserocr}] [--model MODEL]
              [--provider PROVIDER] [--temperature TEMPERATURE] [--examples EXAMPLES]
              [--model-schema MODEL_SCHEMA] [--output OUTPUT]

Extract structured data from documents

  -h, --help                            show this help message and exit

Input Configuration:
  input_pattern                         Path or glob pattern for document files
  --languages LANGUAGES [LANGUAGES ...]
                                        List of languages (default: ['fr'])
  --strategy {auto,hi_res,fast}
  --processor {unstructured,easyocr,tesserocr}

LLM Configuration:
  --model MODEL                         LLM model name to use for extraction (default:
  --provider PROVIDER                   LLM provider (e.g., google-genai, ollama) (default: google-
  --temperature TEMPERATURE             LLM temperature setting - lower values are more focused
                                        (default: 0.1)

Model Configuration:
  --examples EXAMPLES                   Path to examples JSON file for few-shot learning (default:
  --model-schema MODEL_SCHEMA           Path to model schema JSON file defining the extraction
                                        structure (default: config/model.json)

Output Configuration:
  --output OUTPUT                       Output file path (supported formats: CSV, JSON)

📚 Documentation

Full documentation is available in the docs directory:

🤝 Contribution

Feel free to contribute or to request features. You can open an issue or submit a pull request.

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Extrix is a cli tool that simplify data extraction from documents to structured format





