This email-validator library is to verify if a given email id exists or not without sending them an email. To verify the owner of the email id you have to send them a mail with some verification parameters.
Are you using any third party mail service to send mail to users or you have seen enormous fake email IDs by robots or some spammer, Now Validate the email ID if it exist or not before sending them mail.
PHP > 5.5
Colne or download from github , To clone
git clone
Or install via composer
composer require merajsiddiqui/email-validator
Unit Test has been written and performed. But i advise you to always run the test case before implenting in a big application or making it as a dependency.
### If downloaded via composer.
include dirname(__DIR__) . "/vendor/autoload.php";
### Downloaded from github not using Composer.
require dirname(__DIR__) . "/src/EmailValidator.php";
use Email\Validator;
$email_validator = new Validator();
$email_id = "[email protected]";
$result = $email_validator->validate($email_id);
if($result['valid']) {
echo "Congrats this email id exist";
} else {
echo "Sorry we were unable to verify, You may retry or send them an email";
* Debug Why we failed
* Create an issue on github if you find anything
* Or mail at < [email protected] >
- Meraj Ahmad Siddiqui - Meraj Ahmad Siddiqui
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the file for details