- Requests are handled by express also for POST requests (so far only GET) 3f5b2d3
- Update husky to v9 66c7bd6 (see update notice)
- update dependencies and default node version
- documentation updates
... and some other fixes and improvements: 9.0.0...9.1.0
Update from v9.0:
- Due to the husky update the first two lines in your commit hooks should be removed
Remove these two lines in all your commit hooks:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/husky.sh"
- Due to a stylelint update the temporary rule removals in stylelint.config.js can now be removed
You can safely remove these lines in stylelint.config.js:
// remove deprecated checks - handled by prettier
lintConfig.rules['at-rule-name-case'] = null;
lintConfig.rules['color-hex-case'] = null;
lintConfig.rules['declaration-block-semicolon-newline-after'] = null;
lintConfig.rules['declaration-block-trailing-semicolon'] = null;
lintConfig.rules['declaration-colon-space-after'] = null;
lintConfig.rules['max-empty-lines'] = null;
lintConfig.rules['media-feature-name-case'] = null;
lintConfig.rules['no-missing-end-of-source-newline'] = null;
lintConfig.rules['number-leading-zero'] = null;
lintConfig.rules['property-case'] = null;
lintConfig.rules['selector-list-comma-newline-after'] = null;
lintConfig.rules['selector-pseudo-class-case'] = null;
lintConfig.rules['selector-pseudo-element-case'] = null;
lintConfig.rules['string-quotes'] = null;
lintConfig.rules['unit-case'] = null;
lintConfig.rules['indentation'] = null;
- if you use visual tests, you probably need to update the visual references due to different typo rendering with the new backstopjs version
- and as always, lint & prettify