This repository contains code related to MSG data management which has been developed by the Remote Sensing team at the Meteorological Service of Catalonia. Currently, the repository includes:
- Description: R code for reading and displaying MSG data in hdf5 format.
- Input: MSG hdf5 files.
- Output: Image in png format and a geotiff file.
R libraries:
- oce
- optparse
- raster
- rgdal
- rgeos
- rhdf5
- rworldmap
First, modify, if desired, the configuration file: msg_read_hdf5_config.R
Execute msg_read_hdf5.R:
Rscript msg_read_hdf5.R -i /input/path/inputfile.h5 -p /output/path/
Command line arguments:
-i, --file_in: input hdf5 file with its complete path
-p, --path_out: output path (will be created if it does not exist already)