Add tracking to collections.
meteor add meteorblackbelt:collection-tracker
Basic usage examples.
Posts = new Mongo.Collection('posts');
//Attach behaviour with the default options
// or
CollectionBehaviours.attach(Posts, 'trackable');
//Attach behaviour with custom options
Posts.attachBehaviour('trackable', {
fieldName: 'postChanges',
include: ['name']
// or
CollectionBehaviours.attach(Posts, 'trackable', {
include: ['name']
CollectionBehaviours.attach(Posts, 'trackable', {
exclude: ['search']
More than one tracker can be defined on the same collection by passing an array of options as follows
Posts.attachBehaviour('trackable', [
include: ['name']
fieldName: 'commentChanges',
include: ['comments']
The following options can be used:
: array of fields to include (default is all) -
: array of fields to exclude (default is none) -
: name of field that changes are tracked under (default is 'changes')
CollectionBehaviours.configure('trackable', {
include: ['createdAt']