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Extract device certificate

steve918 edited this page Oct 18, 2012 · 2 revisions


First, download the nimble tool, extract and place nimble into setup/ios. The following script will copy the tool to your iOS device, run it and copy the extracted certificates back to your computer. It assumes you have SSH running on your device. I recommend setting up key-based authentication, otherwise you will be typing your password a few times.

Make sure you are in the pushproxy root directory, otherwise the script will fail.

cd pushproxy
setup/ios/ root@<device hostname>

You can find the extracted certificates in certs/device. Both public and private key are in one PEM-file.


Note: If you want to connect at least one device via a patched push daemon, you need to patch the push daemon on OS X first.

OS X stores the certificates in a keychain in /Library/Keychains, either in applepushserviced.keychain or in apsd.keychain.

This step extracts the push private key and certificate from the keychain. It stores them in certs/device/<UUID>.pem

setup/osx/ -f

You can remove the -f parameter to get key and certificate on stdout instead of writing them to a file.