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mg979 edited this page Oct 21, 2019 · 3 revisions

Add, subtract regions

You can create regions from visual selections, and subtract visual selections from current regions (clearing them).

As usual, leader- is your g:VM_leader (default \\).

leader-a add visual selection
leader-s subtract visual selection
leader-r reduce to visual selection
leader-c create cursors column

When adding regions, depending on the type of visual selection, different types of regions are created:

v single region, can be multiline
V one region x line, not multiline
C-v one region x line, starts block mode


Create cursors

You can create a cursor column from a visual selection, with leader-c

If visual mode is v, starting column will be conserved. If it's V, cursors will be created at column 1.


Find operator, find by regex

You can press leader-f to find the current patterns/last search in the visual selection.

With leader-/, you can start a regex search that will select all matches inside the visual selection.

In both cases, if using visual-block, only the matches inside the block will be accepted:
