OpenSSL scripts and binaries for Android (useful for Qt Android apps)
In this repo you can find the prebuilt OpenSSL libs for Android and a qmake include project .pri
file that can be used integrated with Qt projects.
The following directories are available
: used for Qt 6.5.0+.ssl_1_1
: for Qt Qt 5.12.5+, 5.13.1+, 5.14.0+, 5.15.0+, Qt 6.x.x up to 6.4.x
To add OpenSSL in your QMake project, append the following to your .pro
project file:
android: include(<path/to/android_openssl/openssl.pri)
To add OpenSSL in your CMake project, append the following to your project's CMakeLists.txt
file, anywhere before the find_package() call for Qt5 modules: