- SKY130.lyt : technology and connections description
- SKY130.lyp : layers color and shape description
- SkyWater SKY130 Design Rules.odt : SKY130 Design Rules in LibreOffice Writer format (compatible Word)
- SkyWater SKY130 Layers Reference.odt : SKY130 layers description in LibreOffice Writer format (compatible Word)
- drc/drc_sky130.lydrc : DRC script
- lvs/lvs_sky130.lylvs : LVS script (coming soon, so far only for MOSfet)
- def-lef/layermap.txt : layermap for the import_def.rb file
Within KLayout, create the technolgy SKY130 by the menu : [Tools]-[Manage Technologies]
Then press + at the bottom left, you will add a new technology that you can call : SKY130
Then, you can copy the file SKY130.lyp, SKY130.lyt and the 2 directories drc and lvs of that repository in your directory :
$HOME/.klayout/tech/SKY130 (under Linux)
#HOMEDATA#/klayout/tech/SKY130 (under Windows)
Due to few SKY130 GDS cases found and tested, the DRC/LVS files have not been extensively tested and still probably have bugs for some cases. It was tested on the GDS and spice netlists of the LIB_CASES directory. The more we can publish SKY130 GDS files, the better those DRC/LVS files. At that stage, the GDS needs another checks before tape-out.