All you need to manage your covers !
The objective of the Covers Manager project is to provide a comprehensive solution for managing covers. The project aims to simplify and streamline the process of managing covers by automating various tasks and providing an efficient tool for users. The Covers Manager project is designed to address the specific needs of managing covers, such as those used in home automation systems or other applications. It offers a range of features and functionalities to facilitate the management of covers, including opening, closing or manage covers position depending of sun position and temperature (indoor and outdoor). Overall, the objective of the Covers Manager project is to simplify and optimize the management of covers, providing users with a powerful and efficient tool for controlling their covers.
It's important to note that the Covers Manager project is under development. Project is open-source, and users are encouraged to adapt it to their own needs if necessary and purpose all evolutions by submitting a PR.
This AppDaemon application was born out of the need to manage roller shutters as I did on Jeedom before migrating to Home Assistant. The aim was simple: recover the automatic opening and closing functions, as well as the ability to close the shutters proportionally according to the position of the sun.
I was greatly inspired by the Volets plugin on Jeedom by mika-nt28 as well as the work of BasBrus and Langestefan (
CoversManager is developped to help you with these features :
- Opening covers (based on time, lux, sunrise hour)
- Closing covers (based on time, lux, sunset hour)
- Adaptive covers management based on sun position, indoor and outdoor temperature (optional)
- Block adaptive changes when manual position change is detected
CoversManager works in 3 modes :
- Opening (who manage covers opening - most of the time the morning)
- Closing (who manage covers closing - most of the time the evening)
- Adaptive (open or close covers fully or partially depending of sun position and indoor/outdoor temperature)
In your configuration, you can define one of the multiple type of opening supported.
- Off (you don't want CoversManager manage your opening)
- Time (you define at which time CoversManager will open your covers)
- Sunrise (your covers will open at sunrise time - calculated internaly by AppDaemon)
- Lux (you define a minimal lux to open covers)
- Prefer-Lux (it's a combinaison of lux and custom time - useful in case of issue with your lux sensor, custom time will be your backup)
When using prefer-lux, you need to configure a time that will be later than the possible time where required lux will be triggered. Otherwise, opening will be used based on time as it will be the first triggered.
In your configuration, you can define one of the multiple type of opening supported.
- Off (you don't want CoversManager manage your opening)
- Time (you define at which time CoversManager will open your covers)
- Sunset (your covers will open at sunset time - calculated internaly by AppDaemon)
- Lux (you define a minimal lux to open covers)
- Prefer-Lux (it's a combinaison of lux and custom time or dusk - useful in case of issue with your lux sensor, custom time or dusk will be your backup)
When using prefer-lux, you need to configure a time that will be later than the possible time where required lux will be triggered. Otherwise, closing will be used based on time as it will be the first triggered.
When adaptive mode is enable, each time the sun position change (based on sun.sun/azimuth), if sun is in window, CoversManager define the better cover position to :
- let in the sun (if indoor temperature is less than the setpoint defined or outdoor temperature is less than indoor temperature) - Open 100%
- keep the sun out but not the light (if indoor temperature is greater than the setpoint defined) - Partially open calculated with sun position and window parameters
- keep the sun out (if outdoor temperature is greater than outdoor high temperature defined) - Close 100%
To prevent covers from constantly moving as the sun does, there are two parameters (min_ratio_change and min_time_change) that define the minimum percent of position change to be executed, and the minimum time between two movements. Please look in parameters to know defaults values.
If manual configuration is enabled, each time you move manually a cover (not by CoversManager), Adaptive mode is disable for the time configured.
- A valid and functional deployment of
AppDaemon Addon
connected to Home Assistant - A valid and functional
(Home Assistant Community Store) integration
- Enable AppDaemon Apps in HACS
- Add Automation repository in HACS as AppDaemon repo :
- Install Covers Manager in HACS
- Install
Studio Code Server
addon to edit your AppDaemon & CoversManager configuration (optional if your prefer another method to modify your configuration)
Firstly you need to configure your newly AppDaemon installation.
Please continue to next chapter if AppDaemon was already configured before this App
AppDaemon Main configuration is available in file appdaemon.yaml
most of the time stored in /add_config/<guid>_appdaemon/
Please find below an example of basic configuration (It may need to be adapted to suit your configuration) :
secrets: /homeassistant/secrets.yaml
app_dir: /homeassistant/appdaemon/apps
latitude: 48.80506979319244
longitude: 2.12031248278925
elevation: 130
time_zone: Europe/Paris
type: hass
filename: /config/logs/appdaemon.log
filename: /config/logs/error.log
Starting with the AppDaemon v0.15.0 addon, configuration of AppDaemon was moved to /addon_configs folder. But HACS still continue to download AppDaemon apps to /config (old folder).
To resolve this, we add app_dir
directive in appdaemon:
section to use HACS supported folder.
If you already have existing apps not coming from HACS, I recommend to upload manually iopool Pump Manager in your actual app_dir or copying all your existing app before modifying app_dir directive.
Create folder logs (if not already exist) in /add_config/<guid>_appdaemon/
and add in appdaemon.yaml
logs section, the log for Covers Manager :
name: CoversManager
filename: /config/logs/CoversManager.log
Following the configuration change, you need to restart your AppDaemon addon.
You need to add a python package to AppDaemon for this application to work.
To do this, go to your AppDaemon add-on configuration and add pydantic
in the package python
should appear as a tag above the package python
To configure Covers Manager app you need to edit apps.yaml
configuration most of the time stored in /add_config/<guid>_appdaemon/apps/
Please find below an simple example of configuration to add in file :
module: covers_manager
class: CoversManager
use_dictionary_unpacking: true
log: CoversManager
type: "lux"
type: "lux"
enable: true
sensor: "sensor.indoor_temperature"
setpoint: 23
sensor: "sensor.outdoor_temperature"
high_temperature: 28
sensor: "sensor.outdoor_sensor_illuminance_lux"
open_lux: 23
close_lux: 5
window_heigh : 210
window_azimuth: 180
window_heigh : 210
window_azimuth: 320
You have more configuration available. All is detailled in next chapter 🧩 Parameters
Please find below all configuration parameters who don't apply to covers directly
Parent | Parameters | Description | Configuration Path | Default | Type | Status |
- | dryrun | Enable a dryrun mode that don't execute open or close functions | config.dryrun | False | Boolean | Optional |
common | locker | A binary sensor who block opening for open, close and adaptive when state is On | | None | Binary Sensor Entity | Optional |
common | seasons | The sensor of Seasons integration ( who return the actual season | config.common.seasons | None | Sensor Entity | Optional |
position | opened | Define the max position allowed (%) when cover is open | config.common.position.opened | 100 | Integer | Optional |
position | closed | Define the min position allowed (%) when cover is closed | config.common.position.opened | 0 | Integer | Optional |
position | min_ratio_change | Define minimum percent of move to allow action | config.common.position.min_ratio_change | 5 | Integer | Optional |
position | min_time_change | Define minimum time in minutes allowed between move | config.common.position.min_time_change | 10 | Integer | Optional |
opening | type | Define method to open covers the morning (Allowed value : off | time | sunrise | lux | prefer-lux) |
opening | time | Time to open covers - Only work with time or prefer-lux type | config.common.opening.time | None | Time | Optional |
opening | locker | A binary sensor who block opening when state is On | | None | Binary Sensor Entity | Optional |
closing | type | Define method to open covers the morning (Allowed value : off | time | sunrise | lux | prefer-lux) |
closing | time | Time to open covers - Only work with time or prefer-lux type | config.common.closing.time | None | Time | Optional |
closing | locker | A binary sensor who block closing when state is On | | None | Binary Sensor Entity | Optional |
closing | secure_dusk | Close at dusk in 2 layer if first closing method failed - Only work with time or prefer-lux type | config.common.closing.secure_dusk | False | Boolean | Optional |
adaptive | enable | Enable adaptive mode who close/open covers based on Sun position and indoor/outdoor temperature | config.common.adaptive.enable | False | Boolean | Optional |
adaptive | locker | A binary sensor who block adaptive mode when state is On | config.common.adaptive.enable | False | Boolean | Optional |
manual | allow | Enable or Disable detection of manual position change of covers | config.common.manual.allow | False | Boolean | Optional |
manual | timer | Time to block movements when manual position change is detected. Required if config.common.manual.allow is True | config.common.manual.timer | None | TimeDelta | Optional |
temperature.indoor | sensor | Sensor who provide indoor temperature (Positive Integer - No Float) | config.common.temperature.indoor.sensor | None | Sensor Entity | Optional |
temperature.indoor | setpoint | Indoor temperature setpoint. Below => We need to heat with sun / Above => We need to block sun | config.common.temperature.indoor.setpoint | None | PositiveInt | Optional |
temperature.indoor.seasons.<season_name> | setpoint | Define a setpoint for indoor temperature depending of a specific season | config.common.temperature.indoor.seasons.<season_name>.setpoint | None | PositiveInt | Optional |
temperature.outdoor | sensor | Sensor who provide outdoor temperature (Positive Integer - No Float) | config.common.temperature.outdoor.sensor | None | Sensor Entity | Optional |
temperature.outdoor | low_temperature | Outdoor temperature to trigger to enable adaptive mode in addition to indoor_temperature | config.common.temperature.outdoor.low_temperature | None | PositiveInt | Optional |
temperature.outdoor | high_temperature | Outdoor temperature to trigger when we need to totally close cover to protect from heat. Required when Outdoor sensor is configured | config.common.temperature.outdoor.high_temperature | None | PositiveInt | Optional |
lux | sensor | Sensor who provide outside Lux | config.common.lux.sensor | None | Sensor Entity | Optional |
lux | open_lux | Trigger in lux to open covers. Required if type of opening is lux or prefer-lux | config.common.lux.open_lux | None | PositiveInt | Optional |
lux | close_lux | Trigger in lux to close covers. Required if type of closing is lux or prefer-lux | config.common.lux.close_lux | None | PositiveInt | Optional |
Parameters for covers are :
Parent | Parameters | Description | Configuration Path | Default | Type | Status |
config.covers. | window_heigh | Window Heigh in centimeters | config.covers..window_heigh | PositiveInt | Required | |
config.covers. | window_azimuth | Window Azimuth in the middle of window | config.covers..window_azimuth | Int between 0-360 | Required | |
config.covers..positional | action | True if cover is positional | config.covers..positional.action | True | Boolean | Optional |
config.covers..positional | status | True if cover provide is position | config.covers..positional.status | True | Boolean | Optional |
config.covers..fov | left | What is the left FOV angle between window_azimuth and the sun azimuth entering in window | config.covers..fov.left | 90 | Int between 0-180 | Optional |
config.covers..fov | right | What is the right FOV angle between window_azimuth and the sun azimuth leaving in window | config.covers..fov.right | 90 | Int between 0-180 | Optional |
You can declare multiple covers in the same configuration. If you need a specific global configuration for one or more covers, you can also create a new application configuration for these covers.
module: covers_manager
class: CoversManager
use_dictionary_unpacking: true
log: CoversManager
locker: "binary_sensor.alarm_status"
seasons: "sensor.season"
opened: 100
closed: 0
min_ratio_change: 5
min_time_change: 10
type: "prefer-lux"
time: "10:00:00"
locker: "binary_sensor.locker_opening" # If at least one of opening and global locker are True, lock is True
type: "prefer-lux"
secure_dusk: True
locker: "binary_sensor.locker_closing" # If at least one of closing and global locker are True, lock is True
enable: true
locker: "binary_sensor.locker_adaptive" # If at least one of adaptive and global locker are True, lock is True
allow: true
timer: 01:00:00
sensor: "sensor.indoor_temperature"
setpoint: 23
setpoint: 23
setpoint: 23
setpoint: 23
setpoint: 23
sensor: "sensor.outdoor_sensor_temperature"
low_temperature: 25
high_temperature: 28
sensor: "sensor.outdoor_sensor_illuminance_lux"
open_lux: 23
close_lux: 5
window_heigh : 210
window_azimuth: 180
action : True
status: True
left: 60
right: 70
window_heigh : 210
window_azimuth: 320
action : True
status: True
left: 90
right: 90
To help to debug and understand an issue, you can enable the debug mode in your CoverManager app declared in apps.yaml
For this, edit the app configuration and set log_level
log: CoversManager
log_level: DEBUG <---- HERE
If you need some assistance, you can open a topic in Discussions or by opening an Issue
Contributions are welcome! Here are several ways you can contribute:
- Submit Pull Requests: Review open PRs, and submit your own PRs.
- Report Issues: Submit bugs found or log feature requests.
Contributing Guidelines
- Fork the Repository: Start by forking the project repository to your GitHub account.
- Clone Locally: Clone the forked repository to your local machine using a Git client.
git clone
- Create a New Branch: Always work on a new branch, giving it a descriptive name.
git checkout -b new-feature-x
- Make Your Changes: Develop and test your changes locally.
- Commit Your Changes: Commit with a clear message describing your updates.
git commit -m 'Implemented new feature x.'
- Push to GitHub: Push the changes to your forked repository.
git push origin new-feature-x
- Submit a Pull Request: Create a PR against the original project repository. Clearly describe the changes and their motivations.
Once your PR is reviewed and approved, it will be merged into the dev branch.
Only PR to dev
branch will be accepted.