A helper framework for fine tuning with OpenAI
This library is a simple wrapper around the OpenAI python SDK, with a focus on making the act of fine tuning on their platform smooth. I've found this useful for a few different projects.
It expects at least 3 text files:
- prompt.txt - containing the System Prompt
- questions.txt - containing the example questions in order
- answers.txt - containing the example questions in order
And that's pretty much it! There are a few extra configurable options which can be supplied at initilisation but the library takes care of everything else:
- Load all of the above text files from disk
- Create the dataset in the format OpenAI expects
- Run some checks (check message token sizes are less than the maximum, estimate costs of training)
- Upload the dataset to OpenAI as a .jsonl file and wait for it to be processed
- Creates a fine tuning job with that dataset
- Polls to check the job's status during training
- Wait for it to succeed or error and return useful information
- Fetch the results file and write locally to disk
From there, it's as simple as
from openft import OpenFT
conf = {
# directory containing the 3 files
"training_dir": "training_data/",
"base_model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"num_epochs": 3,
"fine_tune_suffix": "my-fine-tuned-model"
ft = OpenFT(conf)
result_file_paths = ft.launch_fine_tune()