Matcha is a minimal browser-based todo list created with the intent of making scheduling and organizing tasks as easy as possible. As a medical student, I often struggled with using other daily task organizers. Tools like Notion featured impressive functionality but offered almost too much for a simple daily planner. Inspired by CareAlign, Matcha is a personal daily planner with minimal add-ons to make the user experience as clean and simple as possible.
Matcha is built using a simple Python Flask backend and vanilla Javascript for front-end logic. All user data is stored in localStorage
so nothing is collected or stored in the cloud. The entire codebase is available in this repo for transparency and easy modifications to suit your specific needs. You can run Matcha from your local server, or access it for free here.
Questions and comments are welcome. Suggestions can be submitted through Github issues. Get in touch with me via email here.
This repository is MIT licensed (see LICENSE).