You can install the package via composer:
composer require michaelnabil230/laravel-setting
You can publish and run the migrations with:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="setting-migrations"
php artisan migrate
You can publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="setting-config"
This is the contents of the published config file:
use MichaelNabil230\Setting\Models\Setting;
return [
| Default Settings Store
| This option controls the default settings store that gets used while
| using this settings library.
| Supported: "json", "database", "redis"
'default' => 'json',
| Drivers Stores
| The settings are stored.
'drivers' => [
'database' => [
'driver' => \MichaelNabil230\Setting\Stores\DatabaseSettingStore::class,
'options' => [
'model' => Setting::class,
'table' => 'settings', // name of table in dataBase
'cache' => [
'enableCache' => false,
'cacheTtl' => 15, // TTL in seconds.
'redis' => [
'driver' => \MichaelNabil230\Setting\Stores\RedisSettingStore::class,
'options' => [
'connection' => 'default',
'prefix' => 'setting',
'json' => [
'driver' => \MichaelNabil230\Setting\Stores\JsonSettingStore::class,
'options' => [
'path' => storage_path('settings.json'),
| Keys
| Your keys are used to insert settings data.
'keys' => [
| Default Settings
| Default settings are used when a setting is not found in the store.
'defaults' => [
You can either access the setting store via its facade
use MichaelNabil230\Setting\Facades\Setting;
Setting::set('foo', 'bar')->save();
Setting::get('foo', 'default value');
$settings = Setting::all();
You could also use the setting()
// Get the store instance
// Get values
setting('foo', 'default value');
// Set values
setting(['foo' => 'bar'])->save();
setting(['' => 'baz'])->save();
setting()->set('foo', 'bar')->save();
// Flipping a boolean setting:
setting()->set('notifications', true)->save();
// Disable notifications.
dd(setting()->get('notifications')); // Returns false.
// Enable notifications.
dd(setting()->get('notifications')); // Returns true.
// Default flip setting:
dd(setting()->get('new-key')); // Returns true.
// Enabling a boolean setting:
setting()->set('notifications', false)->save();
dd(setting()->get('notifications')); // Returns true.
// Disabling a boolean setting:
setting()->set('notifications', true)->save();
dd(setting()->get('notifications')); // Returns false.
// Method chaining
setting(['foo' => 'bar'])->save();
You could also use the @setting() directive blade:
@setting('foo', 'default value')
php artisan setting:forget foo
php artisan setting:get || php artisan setting:get foo
php artisan setting:set-or-update foo bar
When reading from the store, you can enable the cache.
You can also configure flushing of the cache when writing and configure time to live.
Reading will come from the store, and then from the cache, this can reduce load on the store.
'cache' => [
'enableCache' => false,
'cacheTtl' => 15, // TTL in seconds.
return [
| Default Settings Store
| This option controls the default settings store that gets used while
| using this settings library.
| Supported: "json", "database", "redis"
'default' => 'json',
// ...
You can specify here your default store driver that you would to use.
return [
| Drivers Stores
| The settings are stored.
'drivers' => [
'database' => [
'driver' => \MichaelNabil230\Setting\Stores\DatabaseSettingStore::class,
'options' => [
'model' => Setting::class,
'table' => 'settings', // name of table in dataBase
'cache' => [
'enableCache' => false,
'cacheTtl' => 15, // TTL in seconds.
'redis' => [
'driver' => \MichaelNabil230\Setting\Stores\RedisSettingStore::class,
'options' => [
'connection' => 'default',
'prefix' => 'setting',
'json' => [
'driver' => \MichaelNabil230\Setting\Stores\JsonSettingStore::class,
'options' => [
'path' => storage_path('settings.json'),
This is the list of the supported store drivers. You can expand this list by adding a custom store driver.
The store config is structured like this:
// ...
'custom' => [
'driver' => App\Stores\CustomStore::class,
'options' => [
// ...
namespace App\Settings;
use MichaelNabil230\Setting\Stores\SettingStore as Store;
class CustomStore implements Store
// Implement the contract's methods here
Go to the config/setting.php
config file and edit the drivers
return [
'drivers' => [
'custom' => [
'driver' => App\Settings\CustomStore::class,
If you used the abstract MichaelNabil230\Setting\Contracts\Store
class, you can pass a options
like credential keys, path ...
return [
'drivers' => [
'custom' => [
'driver' => App\Settings\CustomStore::class,
'options' => [
// more customize
Last and not least, you can set it as the default
Install the package like usual, but publish the migrations and move them to migrations/tenant
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="setting-migrations"
mv database/migrations/*_create_settings_table.php database/migrations/tenant
Then add this to your AppServiceProvider::boot()
Event::listen(TenancyBootstrapped::class, function (TenancyBootstrapped $event) {
\MichaelNabil230\Setting\Stores\DatabaseSettingStore::$cacheKey = 'setting.cache.tenant.' . $event->tenancy->tenant->id;
composer test
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