This code implements the experiments reported in the following paper:
- Defending Compositionality in Emergent Languages. Michal Auersperger, Pavel Pecina. NAACL SRW 2022. [arxiv]
The code has been merged to the official EGG toolkit repository. You can find it along other experiments in the egg/zoo
directory: egg/zoo/compo_vs_generalization_ood and ignore this repository.
The code uses the EGG toolkit, which can be installed like this:
pip install git+ssh://[email protected]/facebookresearch/EGG.git
A single experiment of the full communication game can be run as follows:
python train --n_values=50 --n_attributes=2 --vocab_size=50 --max_len=3 --receiver=ModifReceiver --sender=ModifSender --hidden=50 --batch_size=64 --random_seed=1
To run an experiment with a single agent on half of the problem only (i.e., a learning alone experiment from the paper), run e.g.:
python -m learning_alone.train --n_values=50 --n_attributes=2 --vocab_size=50 --max_len=5 --archpart=sender --model=OrigSenderDeterministic --hidden=50 --batch_size=64 --random_seed=1
See the article for further details.
The scripts log information to STDOUT.
To replicate the full experiments, use the hyperparameters in ./hyperparams/modified_arch.json
and ./hyperparams/orig_arch.json
To replicate the learning alone experiments, use the hyperparameters in ./hyperparams/learning_alone/receiver.json
and ./hyperparams/learning_alone/sender.json
We use a simple
script to process the hyperparameter jsons.
This selects a specific configuration of the hyperparameters from a hyperparams file based on a run_id
that we get from the job scheduler at our computational cluster. E.g.,
python --gs_file learning_alone/sender.json --count_runs
returns the number of runs defined by the json (40) and
python --gs_file learning_alone/sender.json --exp_type learning_alone --run_id 1
runs the first one.
For convenience, we attach the log files of our full experiment runs in results/orig_arch/220520T115546
and results/modified_arch/220517T231916
. The notebook ntb-results-full.ipynb
processes the logs and produces Table 2 and Figure 1 from the paper.