Ok, there are few gems that provides enumeration support to Rails ActiveRecord models, but still missing some features. The goal of the Enumerated gem is not to provide the feature richest enumeration support, but to make it useful to use together with selection/drop down lists. So if you need advanced support consider usage of other gem, however if you simply need to work with selection lists this gem is for you.
The Enumerated gem will provide support to translate enumerated attributes into labels that are shown in selection lists on view and into keys which are stored in the database. This decouples the values stored in database and those presented to user on view, so you can freely change labels and no database changes are required. I18n is supported by default.
The enumerated attribute keys are stored in database as strings. If you want to modify enumeration's key simply write the migration that will rename appropriate rows. Changing the label doesn't require any modifications in database.
Add to your Gemfile:
gem 'enumerated'
First you need to define your attributes that will be enumerated:
create_table :users do |t|
t.string :gender
Next you need to define your enumerations in the model class:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
enumerated :gender, [ :male, :female ]
Enumerated attributes are the values that will be stored in the database (as string).
Having declared enumeration you gain access to several methods. At first you can list all available enumeration values:
User.genders # => [["Male", :male], ["Female", :female]]
Views and controllers will also have access to helper method:
user_genders # => [["Male", :male], ["Female", :female]]
By default this helper method will be added to the controller corresponding to the model,
so in case of User
model the user_genders
method will be added to UsersHelper
If you want to declare other module use :helper
parameter in the declaration:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
enumerated :gender, [ :male, :female ], :helper => ApplicationHelper
If you do not want the helper method at all use:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
enumerated :gender, [ :male, :female ], :helper => false
There are several ways to set and get the value of enumerated attribute:
user = User.new
user.gender = :male
user.gender # => :male
user.male? # => true
user.female? # => false
user.gender_label # => "Male"
user.female! # => :female
user.gender_label # => "Female"
Enumeration labels may be defined in two ways. First is the place where the enumeration is declared:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
enumerated :gender, { :male => "Sir", :female => "Madam" }
Second, and more preferred way is the localization file:
male: "Sir"
female: "Madam"
If labels are not explicitly defined the humanized versions are taken by default. Labels defined
in Hash
will override those defined in localization file.
By default the order of enumeration options returned by the helper methods is unspecified (albeit most probably
it will match the order of declaration). If you need to define certain order of the labels (eg. on selection list)
use the :order
User.genders :order => [ :female, :male ] # => [["Female", :female], ["Male", :male]]
user_genders :order => [ :female, :male ] # => [["Female", :female], ["Male", :male]]
You can also provide alphabetical order:
User.genders :order => :alphabetical # => [["Female", :female], ["Male", :male]]
Also you can define which enumeration options you want to method return:
User.genders :except => [:male] # => [["Female", :female]]
User.genders :only => [:female] # => [["Female", :female]]
Labels might be overridden:
User.genders :override => { :male => "Sir" } # => [["Sir", :male], ["Female", :female]]
Note that all parameters shown in this section also applies to method defined in helper module.
By default the enumerated
declaration will add the validation for inclusion of the values specified
in the declaration. It means that by default model won't be valid if enumerated attribute will have value
other than specified in the enumerated
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
enumerated :gender, [:male, :female]
# Implicitly adds the following:
validates :gender, :inclusion => [nil, '', :male, :female]
If you want to prevent Enumerated gem adding the validation type:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
enumerated :gender, [:male, :female], :validate => false
By default Enumerated will add nil
value to the array of expected values (in inclusion statement).
If you do not want to include nil
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
enumerated :gender, [:male, :female], :nillable => false
- Currently not supporting STI