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Michele Luigi Greco edited this page Dec 1, 2020 · 22 revisions


Welcome to Teams, in this file we'll show standard configuration steps. Usefull links: GitHub Repository, DockerHub font-end Repository, DockerHub back-end Repository, DockerHub ai-project-db Repository

Build Phase

We recommend using the first procedure, to reduce waiting times due to local code compilation.

DockerHub based build

  • To Build and Run Teams simply type:
    $ docker-compose -f docker-compose-online.yml up
  • Docker will pull latest image of database (michele6000/ai-project-db), back-end (michele6000/back-end) and front-end (michele6000/front-end) from our personal DockerHub account, then will run: project-db listening on port 3306, back-end listening on port 8080, and front-end listening on port 4200. Make shure this port are not used from other applications on your pc. Note that the image are auto-builded, tagged and pushed by an automatic workflow configured on GitHub, in particular it will push a new version when master branch is updated.

Local compile based build

  • To build and Run Teams simply type: (make shure you have rwx permission in this file)
    $ ./
  • The script first of all will build back-end and package the application using Maven by calling:
    $ mvn clean ; mvn package
    $ docker build -f Dockerfile -t back-end .
    after that it will build front-end by calling Node Packet Manager, installing dependencies and then building the Angular Application:
    $ npm i ; sudo npm run build
    $ docker build -f Dockerfile -t front-end .
    after front-end also il builded, the script will pull latest mariadb image:
    $ docker pull mariadb:latest
    finally is called docker-compose script to create and start all the containers:
    $ docker-compose -f docker-compose-offline.yml up
    as same as dockerhub based build phase docker will run: project-db listening on port 3306, back-end listening on port 8080, and front-end listening on port 4200.

Basic scenario

Both build procedures are configured in such a way as to load the files present in the ./mariadb-files folder, which already contains registered users, enabled courses, submissions, solutions, etc.

Homepage: API doc:

Access data:

Username Password Role
[email protected] student ROLE_STUDENT
... ... ...
[email protected] student ROLE_STUDENT
Username Password Role
[email protected] admin ROLE_PROFESSOR
[email protected] admin ROLE_PROFESSOR

Database configuration

The database include the following courses:

Course Name VM Type ID Acronimous Group (min-max)
Applicazioni Internet 1 AI2020 1-4
Programmazione di Sistema 2 PDS2020 1-4
Sicurezza dei Sistemi Informatici 3 SIC2020 1-2

Each professor is assigned to some courses, as described below.

Course Name ProfessorID
Applicazioni Internet d000001
Applicazioni Internet d000002
Programmazione di Sistema d000001
Programmazione di Sistema d000002
Sicurezza dei Sistemi Informatici d000001

In each of these courses are enrolled all the thirty students showen in upside table.

Database include also this active team for course "AI2020" :

ID Name Status CPU Limit HDD Limit RAM Limit Instances Limit Active Instances Limit
4 Reset Active 1000 1000 1000 4 2
5 GameOfCosa Pending
6 GameOfCosa2 Pending

Here is list of students for each team

TeamID StudentID
4 s000001
4 s000002
4 s000003
4 s000004
5 s000028
5 s000029
5 s000030
6 s000028
6 s000029
6 s000030

For team 438 - Reset there are also these VMs:

ID Owner CPU HDD RAM Status
101 s000002 2 256 512 PowerOn

These assignments are available in database for course "AI2020" :

ID Content Image Relase Date Expiry Date
7 Esercitazione 1 [BLOB] 01/12/2020 28/12/2020
38 Esercitazione 2 [BLOB] 02/12/2020 29/12/2020
69 Esercitazione 3 [BLOB] 03/12/2020 31/12/2020
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