This training consists of 6 assignments exploring some of the new features of the AVR® DB, namely: The Analog Signal Conditioning (OPAMP), the High Frequency Crystal Oscillator (XOSCHF) and the Multi Voltage I/O (MVIO).
The OPAMP peripheral features up to three internal operational amplifiers (op amps). The op amps can be configured in a multitude of different operations using internal multiplexers and resistor ladders.
The XOSCHF enables the use of an external crystal or an external clock signal up to 32 MHz. This can be used as a clock source for the Main Clock (CLK_MAIN), the Real-Time Counter (RTC) and the 12-bit Timer/Counter Type D (TCDn).
The MVIO allows PORTC of the AVR DB to run on a different voltage domain (VDDIO2) than the rest of the PORTC.
- Assignment 1: External High-Frequency Oscillator (XOSCHF) and Clock Failure Detection (CDF)
- Assignment 2: High Frequency TCD using PLL
- Assignment 3: Voltage Follower
- Assignment 4: Instrumentation Amplifier
- Assignment 5: Op Amp as a Regulated Power Supply for VDDIO2
- Assignment 6: VDDIO2 Failure Detection
Each assignment also comes with a solution project found in the corresponding solution folder.
Click on the below image for Training video
- Training Getting Started with AVR DB OPAMP, XOSCHF and MVIO - MPLAB
- AVR128DB48 Device Page
- AVR128DB48 Curiosity Nano User Guide
- TB3286 - Getting Started with Analog Signal Conditioning (OPAMP)
- TB3272 - Getting Started with External High-Frequency Oscillator on AVR DB
- TB3287 - Getting Started With MVIO
- MPLAB® X IDE 5.40 or later
- MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) 4.0.2 or later
- MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) Device Libraries 8-bit AVR MCUs 2.5.0 or later
- MPLAB® XC8 2.30 or later
- MPLAB AVR-Dx_DFP version 1.8.112 or later
- MPLAB® Data Visualizer Stand alone version 1.1.793 or later
- MPLAB® Mindi™ Analog Simulator
- For the Atmel Studio version of these projects, please go to this repository
Most assignments can be completed using the AVR128DB48 Curiosity Nano without any extra components, but some assignments require the MPLAB® Data Visualizer Stand alone, MPLAB® Mindi™ Analog Simulator, a logic analyzer or hardware modifications. See the training manual for setup of specific assignments.
- Connect the AVR128DB48 Curiosity Nano to the computer using a USB cable
- Clone the repository or download the zip to get the source code
- Open the .X projects with MPLAB in the assignment folder for the desired assignment
- Complete the assignment according to the training manual
- Press Make and Program Device to run the example
After completing the training you should have a better understanding of some of the new features of the AVR DB such as the OPAMP, XOSCHF and MVIO.