Add code block copy button #1149
10 errors
Run jest --shard=3/17:
Expected image to match or be a close match to snapshot but was 0.5611979166666667% different from snapshot (1293 differing pixels).
See diff for details: /home/runner/work/BotFramework-WebChat/BotFramework-WebChat/__tests__/__image_snapshots__/chrome-docker/__diff_output__/adaptive-cards-js-inputs-card-with-custom-style-options-and-submit-action-1-snap-diff.png
at toMatchImageSnapshot (__tests__/adaptiveCards.js:169:21)
at tryCatch (node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/regeneratorRuntime.js:45:16)
at Generator.<anonymous> (node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/regeneratorRuntime.js:133:17)
at (node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/regeneratorRuntime.js:74:21)
at asyncGeneratorStep (node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:3:17)
at _next (node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:17:9)
Run jest --shard=3/17:
Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry': the name "webchat-c2pxg__code-block-copy-button" has already been used with this registry
at zVn (https:/webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js:134:52322)
at https:/webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js:134:52550
at updateMemo (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:13612:19)
at Object.useMemo (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:13951:16)
at useMemo (https:/[email protected]/umd/react.development.js:2680:21)
at WVn (https:/webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js:134:52545)
at renderWithHooks (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:13073:18)
at updateFunctionComponent (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:14762:20)
at updateSimpleMemoComponent (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:14708:10)
at beginWork (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:15828:16)
Run jest --shard=3/17:
Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry': the name "webchat-hy8zj__code-block-copy-button" has already been used with this registry
at zVn (https:/webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js:134:52322)
at https:/webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js:134:52550
at updateMemo (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:13612:19)
at Object.useMemo (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:13951:16)
at useMemo (https:/[email protected]/umd/react.development.js:2680:21)
at WVn (https:/webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js:134:52545)
at renderWithHooks (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:13073:18)
at updateFunctionComponent (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:14762:20)
at updateSimpleMemoComponent (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:14708:10)
at beginWork (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:15828:16)
Run jest --shard=3/17:
Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry': the name "webchat-gou5o__code-block-copy-button" has already been used with this registry
at zVn (https:/webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js:134:52322)
at https:/webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js:134:52550
at updateMemo (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:13612:19)
at Object.useMemo (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:13951:16)
at useMemo (https:/[email protected]/umd/react.development.js:2680:21)
at WVn (https:/webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js:134:52545)
at renderWithHooks (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:13073:18)
at updateFunctionComponent (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:14762:20)
at updateSimpleMemoComponent (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:14708:10)
at beginWork (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:15828:16)
Run jest --shard=3/17:
Expected length: 0
Received length: 9
Received array: [{"level": "SEVERE", "message": "https://webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js 133:52321 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegist…-button\" has already been used with this registry", "timestamp": 1729893044407, "type": ""}, {"level": "SEVERE", "message": "[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js 17251:12 \"The above error occurred in the \\u003CWVn> component:\\n in WVn\\n in div\\n in Unknown (created by kw)\\n in t (created by kw)\\n in kw (created by Qle)\\n in Unknown (created by Qle)\\n in UVn (created by Qle)\\n in sendBoxToolbarMiddlewareProvider (created by bee)\\n in sendBoxMiddlewareProvider (created by bee)\\n in ActivityTypingComposer (created by bee)\\n in M1n (created by bee)\\n in Unknown (created by bee)\\n in bee (created by X7)\\n in Bmn (created by X7)\\n in Wmn (created by X7)\\n in $Ne (created by X7)\\n in X7 (created by Tee)\\n in see (created by Tee)\\n in ahn (created by hee)\\n in hee (created by Tee)\\n in Tee (created by Qle)\\n in Qle (created by V0r)\\n in Mir (created by V0r)\\n in V0r (created by ohe)\\n in ohe (created by App)\\n in App\\n\\nReact will try to recreate this component tree from scratch using the error boundary you provided, hee.\"", "timestamp": 1729893044412, "type": ""}, {"level": "SEVERE", "message": "https://webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js 117:1071384 \"botframework-webchat: Uncaught exception\" Object", "timestamp": 1729893044413, "type": ""}, {"level": "SEVERE", "message": "https://webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js 133:52321 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegist…-button\" has already been used with this registry", "timestamp": 1729893045711, "type": ""}, {"level": "SEVERE", "message": "[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js 17251:12 \"The above error occurred in the \\u003CWVn> component:\\n in WVn\\n in div\\n in Unknown (created by kw)\\n in t (created by kw)\\n in kw (created by Qle)\\n in Unknown (created by Qle)\\n in UVn (created by Qle)\\n in sendBoxToolbarMiddlewareProvider (created by bee)\\n in sendBoxMiddlewareProvider (created by bee)\\n in ActivityTypingComposer (created by bee)\\n in M1n (created by bee)\\n in Unknown (created by bee)\\n in bee (created by X7)\\n in Bmn (created by X7)\\n in Wmn (created by X7)\\n in $Ne (created by X7)\\n in X7 (created by Tee)\\n in see (created by Tee)\\n in ahn (created by hee)\\n in hee (created by Tee)\\n in Tee (created by Qle)\\n in Qle (created by V0r)\\n in Mir (created by V0r)\\n in V0r (created by ohe)\\n in ohe (created by App)\\n in App\\n\\nReact will try to recreate this component tree from scratch using the error boundary you provided, hee.\"", "timestamp": 1729893045714, "type": ""}, {"level": "SEVERE", "message": "https://webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js 117:1071384 \"botframework-webchat: Uncaught exception\" Object", "timestamp": 1729893045715, "type": ""}, {"level": "SEVERE", "message": "https://webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js 133:52321 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegist…-button\" has already been used with this registry", "timestamp": 1729893046973, "type": ""}, {"level": "SEVERE", "message": "[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js 17251:12 \"The above error occurred in the \\u003CWVn> component:\\n in WVn\\n in div\\n in Unknown (created by kw)\\n in t (created by kw)\\n in kw (created by Qle)\\n in Unknown (created by Qle)\\n in UVn (created by Qle)\\n in sendBoxToolbarMiddlewareProvider (created by bee)\\n in sendBoxMiddlewareProvider (created by bee)\\n in ActivityTypingComposer (created by bee)\\n in M1n (created by bee)\\n in Unknown (created by bee)\\n in bee (created by X7)\\n in Bmn (created by X7)\\n in Wmn (created by X7)\
Run jest --shard=3/17:
Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry': the name "webchat-y4rgz__code-block-copy-button" has already been used with this registry
at zVn (https:/webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js:134:52322)
at https:/webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js:134:52550
at updateMemo (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:13612:19)
at Object.useMemo (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:13951:16)
at useMemo (https:/[email protected]/umd/react.development.js:2680:21)
at WVn (https:/webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js:134:52545)
at renderWithHooks (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:13073:18)
at updateFunctionComponent (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:14762:20)
at updateSimpleMemoComponent (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:14708:10)
at beginWork (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:15828:16)
Run jest --shard=3/17:
Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry': the name "webchat-reea6__code-block-copy-button" has already been used with this registry
at zVn (https:/webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js:134:52322)
at https:/webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js:134:52550
at updateMemo (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:13612:19)
at Object.useMemo (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:13951:16)
at useMemo (https:/[email protected]/umd/react.development.js:2680:21)
at WVn (https:/webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js:134:52545)
at renderWithHooks (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:13073:18)
at updateFunctionComponent (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:14762:20)
at updateSimpleMemoComponent (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:14708:10)
at beginWork (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:15828:16)
Run jest --shard=3/17:
Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry': the name "webchat-zh47p__code-block-copy-button" has already been used with this registry
at zVn (https:/webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js:134:52322)
at https:/webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js:134:52550
at updateMemo (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:13612:19)
at Object.useMemo (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:13951:16)
at useMemo (https:/[email protected]/umd/react.development.js:2680:21)
at WVn (https:/webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js:134:52545)
at renderWithHooks (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:13073:18)
at updateFunctionComponent (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:14762:20)
at updateSimpleMemoComponent (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:14708:10)
at beginWork (https:/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js:15828:16)
Run jest --shard=3/17:
Expected length: 0
Received length: 18
Received array: [{"level": "SEVERE", "message": "https://webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js 133:52321 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegist…-button\" has already been used with this registry", "timestamp": 1729893044407, "type": ""}, {"level": "SEVERE", "message": "[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js 17251:12 \"The above error occurred in the \\u003CWVn> component:\\n in WVn\\n in div\\n in Unknown (created by kw)\\n in t (created by kw)\\n in kw (created by Qle)\\n in Unknown (created by Qle)\\n in UVn (created by Qle)\\n in sendBoxToolbarMiddlewareProvider (created by bee)\\n in sendBoxMiddlewareProvider (created by bee)\\n in ActivityTypingComposer (created by bee)\\n in M1n (created by bee)\\n in Unknown (created by bee)\\n in bee (created by X7)\\n in Bmn (created by X7)\\n in Wmn (created by X7)\\n in $Ne (created by X7)\\n in X7 (created by Tee)\\n in see (created by Tee)\\n in ahn (created by hee)\\n in hee (created by Tee)\\n in Tee (created by Qle)\\n in Qle (created by V0r)\\n in Mir (created by V0r)\\n in V0r (created by ohe)\\n in ohe (created by App)\\n in App\\n\\nReact will try to recreate this component tree from scratch using the error boundary you provided, hee.\"", "timestamp": 1729893044412, "type": ""}, {"level": "SEVERE", "message": "https://webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js 117:1071384 \"botframework-webchat: Uncaught exception\" Object", "timestamp": 1729893044413, "type": ""}, {"level": "SEVERE", "message": "https://webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js 133:52321 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegist…-button\" has already been used with this registry", "timestamp": 1729893045711, "type": ""}, {"level": "SEVERE", "message": "[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js 17251:12 \"The above error occurred in the \\u003CWVn> component:\\n in WVn\\n in div\\n in Unknown (created by kw)\\n in t (created by kw)\\n in kw (created by Qle)\\n in Unknown (created by Qle)\\n in UVn (created by Qle)\\n in sendBoxToolbarMiddlewareProvider (created by bee)\\n in sendBoxMiddlewareProvider (created by bee)\\n in ActivityTypingComposer (created by bee)\\n in M1n (created by bee)\\n in Unknown (created by bee)\\n in bee (created by X7)\\n in Bmn (created by X7)\\n in Wmn (created by X7)\\n in $Ne (created by X7)\\n in X7 (created by Tee)\\n in see (created by Tee)\\n in ahn (created by hee)\\n in hee (created by Tee)\\n in Tee (created by Qle)\\n in Qle (created by V0r)\\n in Mir (created by V0r)\\n in V0r (created by ohe)\\n in ohe (created by App)\\n in App\\n\\nReact will try to recreate this component tree from scratch using the error boundary you provided, hee.\"", "timestamp": 1729893045714, "type": ""}, {"level": "SEVERE", "message": "https://webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js 117:1071384 \"botframework-webchat: Uncaught exception\" Object", "timestamp": 1729893045715, "type": ""}, {"level": "SEVERE", "message": "https://webchat2/__dist__/webchat-es5.js 133:52321 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegist…-button\" has already been used with this registry", "timestamp": 1729893046973, "type": ""}, {"level": "SEVERE", "message": "[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js 17251:12 \"The above error occurred in the \\u003CWVn> component:\\n in WVn\\n in div\\n in Unknown (created by kw)\\n in t (created by kw)\\n in kw (created by Qle)\\n in Unknown (created by Qle)\\n in UVn (created by Qle)\\n in sendBoxToolbarMiddlewareProvider (created by bee)\\n in sendBoxMiddlewareProvider (created by bee)\\n in ActivityTypingComposer (created by bee)\\n in M1n (created by bee)\\n in Unknown (created by bee)\\n in bee (created by X7)\\n in Bmn (created by X7)\\n in Wmn (created by X7)
Run jest --shard=3/17:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'querySelectorAll')
at activities (https:/webchat2/test-page-object.js:74935:24)
at Object.getActivityStatuses (https:/webchat2/test-page-object.js:75047:24)
at https:/webchat2/__tests__/html/timestamp.changeSendTimeout:83:30
at Object.became (https:/webchat2/test-page-object.js:73200:17)
at https:/webchat2/__tests__/html/timestamp.changeSendTimeout:81:30