Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeStyle from 4.10.0 to 4.11.0 in /src in the roslyn group #347
GitHub Advanced Security / CodeQL
Aug 29, 2024 in 2s
3 configurations not found
Warning: Code scanning cannot determine the alerts introduced by this pull request, because 3 configurations present on refs/heads/main
were not found:
API upload
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Actions workflow (ci-matrix.yml
- ❓
.github/workflows/ci-matrix.yml:ci/download:cmd /c bitsadmin /TRANSFER unity /DOWNLOAD /PRIORITY foreground "https://download.unity3d.com/download_unity/887be4894c44/Windows64EditorInstaller/UnitySetup64-2022.3.22f1.exe" "%CD%\unitysetup.exe"/install:cmd /c unitysetup.exe /UI=reduced /S /D=%ProgramFiles%\Unity/os:windows
- ❓
.github/workflows/ci-matrix.yml:ci/download:curl -o ./unity.pkg -k https://download.unity3d.com/download_unity/887be4894c44/MacEditorInstaller/Unity.pkg/install:sudo installer -package unity.pkg -target //os:macos