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Provide complete shortlist of Azure regions in name generation module (
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* Parameter comment update

* Update list of Azure regions
Include support for `subWorkloadName` in naming convention
  • Loading branch information
SvenAelterman authored Jan 30, 2024
1 parent 5cc5c3e commit 4235e90
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Showing 2 changed files with 155 additions and 7 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion main.bicep
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Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ param redcapCommunityPassword string
param scmRepoUrl string = ''
@description('Github Repo Branch where build scripts are downloaded from')
param scmRepoBranch string = 'main'
@description('The command before build to be run on the web app with an elevated privilege. This is used to install the required packages for REDCap deployment and operation.')
@description('The command before build to be run on the web app with an elevated privilege. This is used to install the required packages for REDCap operation.')
param prerequisiteCommand string = 'apt-get install unzip sendmail cron -y'

param deploymentTime string = utcNow()
Expand Down
160 changes: 154 additions & 6 deletions modules/common/createValidAzResourceName.bicep
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ param location string
param resourceType string
param environment string
param workloadName string
param subWorkloadName string = ''
param sequence int

@description('If true, the name will always use short versions of placeholders. If false, it will only be shortened when needed to fit in the maxLength.')
Expand All @@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ param removeSegmentSeparator bool = false
param segmentSeparator string = '-'

@description('If true, when creating a short name, vowels will be removed first from the workload name.')
@description('If true, when creating a short name, vowels will first be removed from the workload name.')
param useRemoveVowelStrategy bool = false

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,8 +120,142 @@ var Defs = {

var shortLocations = {
australiacentral: 'acl'
'Australia Central': 'acl'
australiacentral2: 'acl2'
'Australia Central 2': 'acl2'
australiaeast: 'ae'
'Australia East': 'ae'
australiasoutheast: 'ase'
'Australia Southeast': 'ase'
brazilsouth: 'brs'
'Brazil South': 'brs'
brazilsoutheast: 'bse'
'Brazil Southeast': 'bse'
centraluseuap: 'ccy'
'Central US EUAP': 'ccy'
canadacentral: 'cnc'
'Canada Central': 'cnc'
canadaeast: 'cne'
'Canada East': 'cne'
centralus: 'cus'
'Central US': 'cus'
eastasia: 'ea'
'East Asia': 'ea'
eastus2euap: 'ecy'
'East US 2 EUAP': 'ecy'
eastus: 'eus'
'East US': 'eus'
eastus2: 'eus2'
'East US 2': 'eus2'
francecentral: 'frc'
'France Central': 'frc'
francesouth: 'frs'
'France South': 'frs'
germanynorth: 'gn'
'Germany North': 'gn'
germanywestcentral: 'gwc'
'Germany West Central': 'gwc'
centralindia: 'inc'
'Central India': 'inc'
southindia: 'ins'
'South India': 'ins'
westindia: 'inw'
'West India': 'inw'
italynorth: 'itn'
'Italy North': 'itn'
japaneast: 'jpe'
'Japan East': 'jpe'
japanwest: 'jpw'
'Japan West': 'jpw'
jioindiacentral: 'jic'
'Jio India Central': 'jic'
jioindiawest: 'jiw'
'Jio India West': 'jiw'
koreacentral: 'krc'
'Korea Central': 'krc'
koreasouth: 'krs'
'Korea South': 'krs'
northcentralus: 'ncus'
'North Central US': 'ncus'
northeurope: 'ne'
'North Europe': 'ne'
norwayeast: 'nwe'
'Norway East': 'nwe'
norwaywest: 'nww'
'Norway West': 'nww'
qatarcentral: 'qac'
'Qatar Central': 'qac'
southafricanorth: 'san'
'South Africa North': 'san'
southafricawest: 'saw'
'South Africa West': 'saw'
southcentralus: 'scus'
'South Central US': 'scus'
swedencentral: 'sdc'
'Sweden Central': 'sdc'
swedensouth: 'sds'
'Sweden South': 'sds'
southeastasia: 'sea'
'Southeast Asia': 'sea'
switzerlandnorth: 'szn'
'Switzerland North': 'szn'
switzerlandwest: 'szw'
'Switzerland West': 'szw'
uaecentral: 'uac'
'UAE Central': 'uac'
uaenorth: 'uan'
'UAE North': 'uan'
uksouth: 'uks'
'UK South': 'uks'
ukwest: 'ukw'
'UK West': 'ukw'
westcentralus: 'wcus'
'West Central US': 'wcus'
westeurope: 'we'
'West Europe': 'we'
westus: 'wus'
'West US': 'wus'
westus2: 'wus2'
'West US 2': 'wus2'
westus3: 'wus3'
'West US 3': 'wus3'
usdodcentral: 'udc'
'USDoD Central': 'udc'
usdodeast: 'ude'
'USDoD East': 'ude'
usgovarizona: 'uga'
'USGov Arizona': 'uga'
usgoviowa: 'ugi'
'USGov Iowa': 'ugi'
usgovtexas: 'ugt'
'USGov Texas': 'ugt'
usgovvirginia: 'ugv'
'USGov Virginia': 'ugv'
usnateast: 'exe'
'USNat East': 'exe'
usnatwest: 'exw'
'USNat West': 'exw'
usseceast: 'rxe'
'USSec East': 'rxe'
ussecwest: 'rxw'
'USSec West': 'rxw'
chinanorth: 'bjb'
'China North': 'bjb'
chinanorth2: 'bjb2'
'China North 2': 'bjb2'
chinanorth3: 'bjb3'
'China North 3': 'bjb3'
chinaeast: 'sha'
'China East': 'sha'
chinaeast2: 'sha2'
'China East 2': 'sha2'
chinaeast3: 'sha3'
'China East 3': 'sha3'
germanycentral: 'gec'
'Germany Central': 'gec'
germanynortheast: 'gne'
'Germany North East': 'gne'

var maxLength = Defs[resourceType].maxLength
Expand All @@ -138,16 +273,20 @@ var sequenceFormatted = format('{0:00}', sequence)
// For idempotency, deployments of the same type, workload, environment, sequence, and resource group will yield the same resource name
var randomChars = addRandomChars > 0 ? take(uniqueString(subscription().subscriptionId, workloadName, location, environment, string(sequence), resourceType, additionalRandomInitializer), addRandomChars) : ''

// Remove hyphens from the naming convention if needed
var namingConventionSegmentSeparatorProcessed = doRemoveSegmentSeparator ? replace(namingConvention, segmentSeparator, '') : namingConvention
// Remove {subWorkloadName} if not needed
var namingConventionSubProcessed = empty(subWorkloadName) ? replace(namingConvention, '-{subWorkloadName}', '') : namingConvention

// Remove segment separators (usually dash/hyphens (-)) from the naming convention if needed
var namingConventionSegmentSeparatorProcessed = doRemoveSegmentSeparator ? replace(namingConventionSubProcessed, segmentSeparator, '') : namingConventionSubProcessed

var workloadNameSegmentSeparatorProcessed = doRemoveSegmentSeparator ? replace(workloadName, segmentSeparator, '') : workloadName
var subWorkloadNameSegmentSeparatorProcessed = doRemoveSegmentSeparator ? replace(subWorkloadName, segmentSeparator, '') : subWorkloadName
var randomizedWorkloadName = '${workloadNameSegmentSeparatorProcessed}${randomChars}'

// Use the naming convention to create two names: one shortened, one regular
var regularName = replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(namingConventionSegmentSeparatorProcessed, '{env}', toLower(environment)), '{loc}', location), '{seq}', sequenceFormatted), '{workloadName}', randomizedWorkloadName), '{rtype}', resourceType)
var regularName = replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(namingConventionSegmentSeparatorProcessed, '{env}', toLower(environment)), '{loc}', location), '{seq}', sequenceFormatted), '{workloadName}', randomizedWorkloadName), '{rtype}', resourceType), '{subWorkloadName}', subWorkloadNameSegmentSeparatorProcessed)
// The short name uses one character for the environment, a shorter location name, and the minimum number of digits for the sequence
var shortName = replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(namingConventionSegmentSeparatorProcessed, '{env}', toLower(take(environment, 1))), '{loc}', shortLocationValue), '{seq}', string(sequence)), '{workloadName}', randomizedWorkloadName), '{rtype}', resourceType)
var shortName = replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(namingConventionSegmentSeparatorProcessed, '{env}', toLower(take(environment, 1))), '{loc}', shortLocationValue), '{seq}', string(sequence)), '{workloadName}', randomizedWorkloadName), '{rtype}', resourceType), '{subWorkloadName}', subWorkloadNameSegmentSeparatorProcessed)

// Based on the length of the workload name, the short name could still be too long
var mustTryVowelRemoval = length(shortName) > maxLength
Expand All @@ -156,6 +295,7 @@ var minEffectiveVowelRemovalCount = length(shortName) - maxLength

// If allowed, try removing vowels
var workloadNameVowelsProcessed = mustTryVowelRemoval && useRemoveVowelStrategy ? replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(workloadNameSegmentSeparatorProcessed, 'a', ''), 'e', ''), 'i', ''), 'o', ''), 'u', '') : workloadNameSegmentSeparatorProcessed
var subWorkloadNameVowelsProcessed = mustTryVowelRemoval && useRemoveVowelStrategy ? replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(subWorkloadNameSegmentSeparatorProcessed, 'a', ''), 'e', ''), 'i', ''), 'o', ''), 'u', '') : subWorkloadNameSegmentSeparatorProcessed

var mustShortenWorkloadName = (length(randomizedWorkloadName) - length('${workloadNameVowelsProcessed}${randomChars}')) < minEffectiveVowelRemovalCount

Expand All @@ -166,7 +306,7 @@ var workloadNameCharsToKeep = mustShortenWorkloadName ? length(workloadNameVowel
var shortWorkloadName = '${take(workloadNameVowelsProcessed, workloadNameCharsToKeep)}${randomChars}'

// Recreate a proposed short name for the resource
var actualShortName = replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(namingConventionSegmentSeparatorProcessed, '{env}', toLower(take(environment, 1))), '{loc}', shortLocationValue), '{seq}', string(sequence)), '{workloadName}', shortWorkloadName), '{rtype}', resourceType)
var actualShortName = replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(namingConventionSegmentSeparatorProcessed, '{env}', toLower(take(environment, 1))), '{loc}', shortLocationValue), '{seq}', string(sequence)), '{workloadName}', shortWorkloadName), '{rtype}', resourceType), '{subWorkloadName}', subWorkloadNameVowelsProcessed)

// The actual name of the resource depends on whether shortening is required or the length of the regular name exceeds the maximum length allowed for the resource type
var actualName = (requireShorten || length(regularName) > maxLength) ? actualShortName : regularName
Expand All @@ -175,3 +315,11 @@ var actualNameCased = lowerCase ? toLower(actualName) : actualName

// This take() function shouldn't actually remove any characters, just here for safety
output shortName string = take(actualNameCased, maxLength)

// For debugging only
output workloadNameCharsKept int = workloadNameCharsToKeep
output originalShortNameLength int = length(shortName)
output actualNameCased string = actualNameCased
output workloadNameVowelsProcessed string = workloadNameVowelsProcessed
output triedVowelRemoval bool = mustTryVowelRemoval
output minEffectiveVowelRemovalCount int = minEffectiveVowelRemovalCount

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