Write a uniform distribution of files to disk for testing/benchmarking purposes
[Public Repo](https://github.com/mieweb/ploppler) [MIE's internal repo](https://github.com/mieweb/plopper)
Plops out a random distribution of files to the filesystem
usage: plopper.py [--help] [-l MIN] [-h MAX] [-f FILES] [-t THREADS]
[--skeleton] [-m MASK] [-o OUTPUT] [-r ROOT]
optional arguments:
--help show this help message and exit
-l MIN, --min MIN Minimum file size (bytes or appropriate unit; 1K, 2M)
-h MAX, --max MAX Maximum file size (bytes or appropriate unit; 1K, 2M)
-f FILES, --files FILES
Number of files to generate
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads to spawn (defaults to OS cpu_count)
--skeleton Only create the file skeleton of size without writing
any data
-m MASK, --mask MASK Create a subdirectory structure of each file based on
it's name. Mask should use an x character to denote a
digit of the filename. The default of no mask puts
each file as a uniquely named file in a single output
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output path to write files to
-r ROOT, --root ROOT Root directory name containing any masked
# Write 500 files from 1M to 10M into the /var/log directory
./plopper.py --files 500 --min 1M --max 10M --output /var/log
# Write 1,000,000 files from 1K to 1G into your home directory with a numerical mask for subdirectories
./plopper.py --files 1000000 --min 1K --max 1G --output ~ --root plopperHomeFiles --mask xxx/xxx/xxx
# This will write files to ~/plopperHomeFiles/000/000/001, 002, etc...
# If your mask isn't large enough to hold the number of files without overwriting previous files,
# the mask will be automatically prepended with additional padding
./plopper.py --files 15 --mask x
# Mask is auto-converted to x/x