CollectionJS - export RRD data from collectd daemon to Highcharts
To install and run CollectionJS, just copy the files in your web server folder, make sure cgi scripts can run, and open up a browser window.
Example apache configuration:
Alias /collectionJS /var/www/collectionJS
<Directory /var/www/collectionJS/>
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
DirectoryIndex index.html
Options +ExecCGI
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
Contains several perl scripts required by CollectionJS:
- getHosts.cgi - returns a JSON object containing available hosts and plugins. In the example index.html, the script is used to populate the dropdown menus.
- getPlugins.cgi - expects as parameters a hostname and a plugin, and it returns a JSON array with available charts, containing information such as plugin_instance, type, and type_instance
- getChart.cgi - based on collection3's graph.cgi, it returns the data required for highcharts in JSON format.
Contains the graph definitions from collection3
Contains collection3's perl scripts to create a chart definition, which is then sent by getChart in JSON format It also contains collection.js, a set of javascript functions to create the highcharts data structures, theme, and render the graphs.
Example html code using twitter bootstrap.