Operating system(s):
- Qt Creator 1.3.1
- G++ 4.4.1
Libraries used:
- STL: from GCC, shipped with Qt Creator 2.0.0
On Windows, the location of cassert.h was 'C:\qt\2010.02.1\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.4.0\include\c++\cassert.h'. In cassert.h, assert.h was #included, but this file seems absent.
On Ubuntu, cassert was located at /usr/include/c++/4.4/cassert.h, assert.h at /usr/include/assert.h. I uploaded it to here and copied it to C:\qt\2010.02.1\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.4.0\include\c++\assert.h', but this fails.