A runtime error is an error emitted by the program itself during execution, causing the program to quit. Note: there is also an exception called std::runtime_error.
Prefer compile errors and link errors to runtime errors [1].
- Assertion failed! File: myfolder/boost_1_54_0/boost/xpressive/detail/dynamic/parse_charset.hpp, Line 201
- Cannot create a QWidget when no GUI is being used
- External exception EEFFACE
- Internal Error COM-656
- Operation not permitted
- pure virtual method called
- shared_ptr.hpp: Assertion failed: px != 0
- The procedure entry point _Z21qRegisterResourceDataiPKhS0_S0_ could not be located in the dynamic link library QtCore4.dll
- This application has failed to start because QtCored4.dll was not found
- Herb Sutter, Andrei Alexandrescu. C++ coding standards: 101 rules, guidelines, and best practices. 2005. ISBN: 0-32-111358-6. Item 14: 'Prefer compile- and link-time errors to run-time errors'.