Mihir Kulkarni
Contact: [email protected]
Lecture Slides and Videos available here
- Directly to your Linux (20.04 or lower version OS) computer
Ubuntu 20.04 - http://wiki.ros.org/noetic/Installation
Ubuntu 18.04 - https://wiki.ros.org/melodic/Installation
- Virtual Machine (Preferably on 20.04)
Instructions: https://github.com/sutd-robotics/virtualbox-ubuntu-ros
Note: There is no difference with respect to implementation for the assignment if your computer has either 18.04 - ROS Melodic, or 20.04 - ROS Noetic.
Reference and documentation here.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-catkin-tools
sudo pip3 install -U catkin_tools
Tutorial here.
mkdir -p workspaces/ttk22_ws & cd workspaces/ttk22_ws
mkdir src & cd src
Tutorial here.
Using catkin tools
catkin_create_pkg example_package roscpp std_msgs rospy message_generation
catkin config -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
catkin build
Tutorial here.
Tutorial here.