A tool written in Swift for macOS to present in a simple format the result of comparing two test runs
Here is what the output will look like:
Change | File | Develop | PR |
👎 | ExistingClassCoverageDown | 100% | 50% |
🚫 | ExistingClassCoverageDropped | 100% | 0% |
👍 | ExistingClassCoverageUp | 33% | 67% |
💯 | NewClassCovered | - | 100% |
🚫 | NewClassNoCoverage | - | 0% |
💯 | ExistingClassCoverageDownTests | 100% | 100% |
ExistingClassCoverageDroppedTests | 100% | - | |
💯 | ExistingClassCoverageUpTests | 100% | 100% |
💯 | NewClassCoveredTests | - | 100% |
Also can be found here: https://mike011.github.io/CodeCoverageCompare/example.html