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Miking Docker Images

Docker images for compiling and running Miking/MCore programs. Produces images for a selected number of base images, located under the baselines/ directory. The images produced by this repository are:

  • mikinglang/baseline
  • mikinglang/miking
  • mikinglang/miking-dppl

The baseline images contains all dependencies of Miking, excluding Miking itself. These are primarily used to avoid recompiling all dependencies on new releases of Miking, but they can also serve as a development environment for quickly getting started on tinkering with Miking.

This readme contains development and build instructions only. For usage instructions, see the Docker Hub README file in the docs/ directory.

Build Dependencies

The following dependencies are needed to build the docker images:

  • docker or podman
  • make
  • python3
  • bash

If using podman, make sure that the environment variable CONTAINER_RUNTIME is set to podman. Before running any of the commands below, the easiest approach is simply to export this variable by running:


If using docker, you have to prefix the commands below with sudo if you cannot execute docker as your regular user.

CUDA Runtime Dependencies

See CUDA Runtime Dependencies section in the dockerhub README under docs/. It is still possible to build the cuda images without CUDA installed on the host system. Though the testing of the image has to be done on a system with CUDA.

Table of Contents


When building an image, you always provide the hardware architecture you want to build for as well as the baseline it should be based on. The command to build an image follow this format:

make build-<image> PLATFORM=<os/arch> BASELINE=<baseline>

Run print-variables to see which baselines that are available for any given hardware architecture.

Individual Baseline Image

Using the debian12.6 baseline for x86_64 as an example, we build it by running:

make build-baseline PLATFORM=linux/amd64 BASELINE=debian12.6

This will create the mikinglang/baseline:<ver>-debian12.6-linux-amd64 image.

Individual Miking Image

After the baseline image has been built, the miking image can now be built by:

make build-miking PLATFORM=linux/amd64 BASELINE=debian12.6

This will create the versioned image mikinglang/miking:<miver>-debian12.6-linux-amd64.

Individual Miking DPPL Image

After the miking image has been built, the miking-dppl image can now be built by:

make build-miking-dppl PLATFORM=linux/amd64 BASELINE=debian12.6

This will create the versioned image mikinglang/miking-dppl:<dpplver>-debian12.6-linux-amd64.

All Images

For convenience, a collection of make rules are provided to build images for all baselines. These commands usually take a long time to run, so it is recommended to spawn them with nohup <cmd> & and go do something else while they are running.

To build all images for all baselines, run the corresponding command for each kind of image:

  • baseline: make build-baseline-all-<os/arch>
  • miking: make build-miking-all-<os/arch>
  • miking-dppl: make build-miking-dppl-all-<os/arch>

To build ALL images, run the command below. This requires that your podman or docker installation supports cross-platform builds. Warning: This will likely take a very long time.

make build-baseline-all-linux/amd64 \
     build-baseline-all-linux/arm64 \
     build-miking-all-linux/amd64 \
     build-miking-all-linux/arm64 \
     build-miking-dppl-all-linux/amd64 \

Build All Images in Parallel (Experimental)

There is experimental support for building images in parallel. This can be performed by running either

# If we also need to build a new baseline
make seqbuild-from-baseline-all


# If we will reuse an existing baseline

This will take a lot of resources (CPU and RAM), and may overload the container build system.

Pushing to Docker Hub

These instructions concerns the pushing of images to Docker Hub. If you are a developer and need to have push access, contact the core Miking team.

Pushing Images

Sticking with the example of debian12.6 for linux/amd64, push the build images to Docker Hub by running:

make push-baseline PLATFORM=linux/amd64 BASELINE=debian12.6
make push-miking   PLATFORM=linux/amd64 BASELINE=debian12.6

The primary reason for pushing baseline images is to avoid having to recreate them on new releases of Miking. Hence we do not create any manifests for these images.

Pushing Manifests

Once all architectures have been built and pushed for an image, push the manifests to Docker Hub by the following make rule:

make push-manifest-miking

This will create manifests for the following tags:

  • mikinglang/miking:latest
  • mikinglang/miking:latest-<baseline>
  • mikinglang/miking:<miver>
  • mikinglang/miking:<miver>-<baseline>

The baseline used for latest and <miver> tags is specified by the BASELINE_IMPLICIT variable shown when running make print-variables.

Running the Image

To verify that the build image can evaluate and compile MCore programs, the test directory contains a program to test with.

Verify Evaluation

Run the following command:

sudo docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/test:/mnt:ro mikinglang/miking:<ver> mi eval /mnt/

This should produce the following output:

Found msg: "foo"
Found msg: "bar"
Found nothing.

Verify Compilation

NOTE: Compilation is highly specific to the target platform. If planning to run the compiled program outside the docker container, verify that your binary will work for your host environment by running ldd <binary>. Ideally, choosing an image version similar to the host system should produce a compatible binary.

Run the following command to compile and run it:

sudo docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/test:/mnt:ro mikinglang/miking:<ver> bash -c "mi compile /mnt/ --output /tmp/sample && /tmp/sample"

This should produce the same output as for the evaluation case above. To export the compiled binary out from the container, either mount the /mnt folder without the ":ro" part or mount another folder that is writable from the container. Then change the --output flag to point to that directory instead of the /tmp directory.


To contribute to this repository, fork it, add your changes to a branch on your fork, submit your changes as a pull request from that branch.

Pull Requests

Each pull request shall contain a record of all the targets that builds have been validated for. Copy paste this checklist to your PR description:

**Validated builds:**

- [ ] miking:alpine3.20 (x86_64)
- [ ] miking:alpine3.20 (aarch64)
- [ ] miking:debian12.6 (x86_64)
- [ ] miking:debian12.6 (aarch64)
- [ ] miking:cuda11.4 (x86_64)
- [ ] miking-dppl:alpine3.20 (x86_64)
- [ ] miking-dppl:alpine3.20 (aarch64)
- [ ] miking-dppl:debian12.6 (x86_64)
- [ ] miking-dppl:debian12.6 (aarch64)
- [ ] miking-dppl:cuda11.4 (x86_64)

**Validated x86_64 Tests: (On separate machine from build server.)**

- [ ] miking:alpine3.20 (x86_64)
- [ ] miking:debian12.6 (x86_64)
- [ ] miking:cuda11.4 (x86_64)
- [ ] miking-dppl:alpine3.20 (x86_64)
- [ ] miking-dppl:debian12.6 (x86_64)
- [ ] miking-dppl:cuda11.4 (x86_64)

**Validated ARM64 Mac Tests:**

- [ ] miking:alpine3.20 (aarch64)
- [ ] miking:debian12.6 (aarch64)
- [ ] miking-dppl:alpine3.20 (aarch64)
- [ ] miking-dppl:debian12.6 (aarch64)

**Validated GPU tests:**

- [ ] test-cuda (x86_64)

It should look like this when formatted by GitHub:

Validated builds:

  • miking:alpine3.20 (x86_64)
  • miking:alpine3.20 (aarch64)
  • miking:debian12.6 (x86_64)
  • miking:debian12.6 (aarch64)
  • miking:cuda11.4 (x86_64)
  • miking-dppl:alpine3.20 (x86_64)
  • miking-dppl:alpine3.20 (aarch64)
  • miking-dppl:debian12.6 (x86_64)
  • miking-dppl:debian12.6 (aarch64)
  • miking-dppl:cuda11.4 (x86_64)

Validated x86_64 Tests: (On separate machine from build server.)

  • miking:alpine3.20 (x86_64)
  • miking:debian12.6 (x86_64)
  • miking:cuda11.4 (x86_64)
  • miking-dppl:alpine3.20 (x86_64)
  • miking-dppl:debian12.6 (x86_64)
  • miking-dppl:cuda11.4 (x86_64)

Validated ARM64 Mac Tests:

  • miking:alpine3.20 (aarch64)
  • miking:debian12.6 (aarch64)
  • miking-dppl:alpine3.20 (aarch64)
  • miking-dppl:debian12.6 (aarch64)

Validated Special Tests:

  • test-cuda (x86_64)

Tick each box under "Validated builds" once the build is validated. A build is validated when the miking image successfully builds with all tests passing. If an image is also listed under "Validated Special Tests", the Makefile-rule with the same name as the test must successfully be run before ticking the box.

Commands for Validating Tests

Use these commands to validate tests.

# Validate `miking` image
docker run --rm mikinglang/miking:<miking tag> make -C /src/miking install test-all test-sundials

# Validate `miking-dppl` image
docker run --rm mikinglang/miking:<dppl tag> make -C /src/miking install make

# Set CONTAINER_RUNTIME for before running any of the makefile rules below

# Validate test-cuda (requires that you are located in a Miking DPPL repostitory)
make test-cuda

# Convenience for validating all AMD64 tests
make test-all-amd64

# Convenience for validating all ARM64 tests
make test-all-arm64


Docker images for Miking







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