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My portfolio website

Made with React.js, Next.js, and style-wiz but not coffee. Used Vercel for deployments since it is highly featured and easily configurable with Next.js.

1. Features 💪🏻

⚡️ No component with more than 100 lines of code except index.css with CSS reset principals. You can run this command git ls-files | xargs wc -l | awk '$1 > 100' in project repository to see it in action.
⚡️ Multi theme structure using style-wiz.
⚡️ Multi language implementation with support for Deutsch and French aside from english.
⚡️ Using ISR(on-demand revalidation), SSG for data fetching as latest technologies as I described here.
⚡️ Global and responsive typography using style-wiz.
⚡️ Enhanced static typing with typescript.
⚡️ Documented with jsdoc.
⚡️ Tested with jest and React Testing Library.
⚡️ Statically analyzed with strict eslint plugins(@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin, eslint-config-airbnb-typescript, eslint-config-next, and ...).
⚡️ Enhanced code checks using git hooks from Husky.
⚡️ Adhered to conventional commit messages using Commitlint.
⚡️ Enhanced developer experience using bash scripts for operation commands.
⚡️ Comprehensive documentations about style guide and implementations. \

2. Analytic Reports 📐

GTmetrix grade for my portfolio GTmetrix grade for my portfolio

3. Prerequisites

  • Through knowledge of Modern JavaScript, React.js, and Next.js.

4. Environment

  • Node.js version upper than or equal to 16.x
  • Yarn 1.22.x
  • Terminal (one of)
    • Git bash in windows
    • Command line in Linux
  • Using anything other than these configurations might cause problems with the below functionalities and I don't recommend it.
    • scripts
    • git hooks

5. Setup

git clone
cd portfolio
yarn install
yarn dev

7. Style Guide

8. Stylesheets

8.1. Global Styles

I use style-wiz for global stylesheets

8.2. CSS-in-JS

I also use style-wiz for CSS-in-JS.