gpSP4SCute: gpsp for Symbian
gpSP4Cute is a gameboy advanced emulator for Symbian. It's based on gpSP version 0.9-2Xb by Exophase for gp2x.
The gpSP stuff is build separately with custom makefilesystem, and the gpsp4cute is build with the usual Qt flags.
The gpSP lib should be build with [General Makefile system by summeli] ( You'll also will get some errors from the checklib when buildin the gpsp. Therefore you should [get rid of the checklib in QtSDK] (
After the gpSP lib is build, you can build the gpsp4cute project which will add the UI to the gpsp project. The gpsp4cute is build with standard Qt-stuff. See my blog post how to set up the environement with QtSDK [] (
gpsp is distributed under GPLv2 license