Google Cast remote in command line giving the result in json format
It a simple .NET 4.7.2 console application using GoogleCast by kakone
You can remotly control a Google Cast compatible device with the following commands and get the result as json format
commands list :
discover lists the devices on the network
target IP[:Port] specify the target device of the command. Port default value is 8009
pauseAtEnd wait for input key to close (for debug purpose)
status get the status of the device
play {url} [title {text}] [subtitle {text} [image {url}] play a media
pause pause the current media
resume resume the current media
stop stop the current media
volume {value} set the volume (0->1)
seek {value} set player position in seconds
CastInLine.exe discover
CastInLine.exe target status
"DisplayName":"Default Media Receiver",
"StatusText":"Casting: A Movie",
"Title":"A Movie",
"Subtitle":"the best one",
Tested on Windows© 10 and Raspberry PI with mono
You can download binaries Here