Due to the security upgrade of iOS 13 system version, the official WeChat SDK has been adapted from 1.8.6 with supports * Universal Links * mode jumps, and the validity check when sharing.
From version 3.0.0 of our plugin, we changed to the latest WeChat SDK. Before using it, you need to configure the Universal Links service, and pay attention to passing the universallink
variable when installing the plugin, otherwise it will not work properly.
If you don't want to use the new version features, you can fall back to version 3.0.0 prior
A cordova plugin, a JS version of Wechat SDK
- check wechat client is installed;
- Share text, image, link,music,video,miniprogram to wechat timeline,session or favorite;
- open wechat auth;
- send wechat payment request;
- open wechat miniprogram;
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-wechat --variable wechatappid=YOUR_WECHAT_APPID --variable universallink=YOUR_UNIVERSAL_LINK
cordova build ios
cordova build android
Wechat.isInstalled(function (installed) {
alert("Wechat installed: " + (installed ? "Yes" : "No"));
}, function (reason) {
alert("Failed: " + reason);
var scope = "snsapi_userinfo",
state = "_" + (+new Date());
Wechat.auth(scope, state, function (response) {
// you may use response.code to get the access token.
}, function (reason) {
alert("Failed: " + reason);
text: "This is just a plain string",
scene: Wechat.Scene.TIMELINE // share to Timeline
}, function () {
}, function (reason) {
alert("Failed: " + reason);
message: {
title: "Hi, there",
description: "This is description.",
thumb: "www/img/thumbnail.png",
mediaTagName: "TEST-TAG-001",
messageExt: "这是第三方带的测试字段",
messageAction: "<action>dotalist</action>",
scene: Wechat.Scene.TIMELINE // share to Timeline
}, function () {
}, function (reason) {
alert("Failed: " + reason);
message: {
media: {
type: Wechat.Type.WEBPAGE,
webpageUrl: "http://www.jason-z.com"
scene: Wechat.Scene.TIMELINE // share to Timeline
}, function () {
}, function (reason) {
alert("Failed: " + reason);
message: {
media: {
type: Wechat.Type.MINI,
webpageUrl: "https://www.jason-z.com", // 兼容低版本的网页链接
userName: "wxxxxxxxx", // 小程序原始id
path: "user/info", // 小程序的页面路径
hdImageData: "http://wwww.xxx.com/xx.jpg", // 程序新版本的预览图二进制数据 不超过128kb 支持 地址 base64 temp
withShareTicket: true, // 是否使用带shareTicket的分享
miniprogramType: Wechat.Mini.RELEASE
scene: Wechat.Scene.SESSION // 小程序仅支持聊天界面
}, function () {
}, function (reason) {
alert("Failed: " + reason);
// See https://github.com/xu-li/cordova-plugin-wechat-example/blob/master/server/payment_demo.php for php demo
var params = {
partnerid: '10000100', // merchant id
prepayid: 'wx201411101639507cbf6ffd8b0779950874', // prepay id
noncestr: '1add1a30ac87aa2db72f57a2375d8fec', // nonce
timestamp: '1439531364', // timestamp
sign: '0CB01533B8C1EF103065174F50BCA001', // signed string
Wechat.sendPaymentRequest(params, function () {
}, function (reason) {
alert("Failed: " + reason);
//offical doc https://mp.weixin.qq.com/wiki?t=resource/res_main&id=mp1496561749_f7T6D
var params = {
timeStamp: '1510198391', // timeStamp
signType: 'SHA1', // sign type
cardSign: 'dff450eeeed08120159d285e79737173aec3df94', // cardSign
nonceStr: '5598190f-5fb3-4bff-8314-fd189ab4e4b8', // nonce
//offical doc https://open.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/showdocument?action=dir_list&t=resource/res_list&verify=1&id=21526646437Y6nEC&token=&lang=zh_CN
var params = {
userName: 'gh_d43f693ca31f', // userName
path: 'pages/index/index?name1=key1&name2=key2', // open mini program page
miniprogramType: Wechat.Mini.RELEASE // Developer version, trial version, and official version are available for selection
console.log(data); // data:{extMsg:""} extMsg: Corresponds to the app-parameter attribute in the Mini Program component <button open-type="launchApp">
more usage please see https://jasonz1987.github.io/cordova-wechat-docs/docs/usages
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