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[logsearch] Fix vacuuming to keep tables in sync (#1279)
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- Ensure that child tables of each parent table corresponding to the
same time period are deleted together.

- Ensure that child tables corresponding the current time period are
never deleted due to disk space.

- Print a log when disk space cannot be recovered (i.e. when current tables
are too large) indicating to increase available storage capacity.
  • Loading branch information
donatello authored Sep 8, 2022
1 parent 09ef071 commit 4e4b213
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Showing 2 changed files with 146 additions and 52 deletions.
179 changes: 127 additions & 52 deletions logsearchapi/server/partitions.go
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Expand Up @@ -117,6 +117,32 @@ func (p *partitionTimeRange) next() partitionTimeRange {
return newPartitionTimeRange(p.EndDate)

func getPartitionTimeRangeForTable(name string) (partitionTimeRange, error) {
fmtStr := []rune("2006_01_02")
runes := []rune(name)

errFn := func(msg string) error {
title := "invalid partition name"
s := ": " + msg
if msg == "" {
s = ""
return fmt.Errorf("%s%s", title, s)

if len(runes) <= len(fmtStr) {
return partitionTimeRange{}, errFn("too short")

// Split out the date part of the table name
partSuffix := string(runes[len(runes)-len(fmtStr):])
startTime, err := time.Parse(string(fmtStr), partSuffix)
if err != nil {
return partitionTimeRange{}, errFn("bad time value: " + partSuffix)
return newPartitionTimeRange(startTime), nil

type childTableInfo struct {
ParentSchema string
Parent string
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,33 +184,19 @@ func (c *DBClient) getExistingPartitions(ctx context.Context, t Table) (tableNam
return tableNames, nil

func (c *DBClient) getTablesDiskUsage(ctx context.Context) (m map[Table]map[string]uint64, _ error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Second)
func (c *DBClient) getTableDiskUsage(ctx context.Context, tableName string) (int64, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 2*time.Second)
defer cancel()

const (
tableSize QTemplate = `SELECT pg_total_relation_size('%s');`

m = make(map[Table]map[string]uint64, len(allTables))
for _, table := range allTables {
parts, err := c.getExistingPartitions(ctx, table)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cm := make(map[string]uint64, len(parts))
for _, tableName := range parts {
q :=
row := c.QueryRowContext(ctx, q)
var size uint64
if err := row.Scan(&size); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to query relation size: %v", err)
cm[tableName] = size
m[table] = cm
return m, nil
q :=
row := c.QueryRowContext(ctx, q)
var size int64
err := row.Scan(&size)
return size, err

func (c *DBClient) deleteChildTable(ctx context.Context, table, reason string) error {
Expand All @@ -197,15 +209,6 @@ func (c *DBClient) deleteChildTable(ctx context.Context, table, reason string) e
return nil

func totalDiskUsage(m map[Table]map[string]uint64) (sum uint64) {
for _, cm := range m {
for _, v := range cm {
sum += v

func calculateHiLoWaterMarks(totalCap uint64) (hi, lo float64) {
const (
highWaterMarkPercent = 90
Expand All @@ -214,69 +217,141 @@ func calculateHiLoWaterMarks(totalCap uint64) (hi, lo float64) {
return highWaterMarkPercent * float64(totalCap) / 100, lowWaterMarkPercent * float64(totalCap) / 100

// getEarliestPartitionStartTime - finds the earliest start time of all existing
// table partitions - this is the minimum start time over the first existing
// partitions for each parent table.
func getEarliestPartitionStartTime(tables map[Table][]string, indices []int) (time.Time, error) {
var earliestStartTime time.Time
isSet := false
for i, table := range allTables {
pt, err := getPartitionTimeRangeForTable(tables[table][indices[i]])
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
if !isSet {
earliestStartTime = pt.StartDate
isSet = true
if earliestStartTime.After(pt.StartDate) {
earliestStartTime = pt.StartDate
return earliestStartTime, nil

func (c *DBClient) maintainLowWatermarkUsage(ctx context.Context, diskCapacityGBs int) (err error) {
tables := make(map[Table][]string)
tables := make(map[Table][]string, len(allTables))
du := make(map[Table]map[string]int64, len(allTables))
var totalUsage int64
for _, table := range allTables {
// Find partitions for the parent table `table`.
tables[table], err = c.getExistingPartitions(ctx, table)
if err != nil {
return err
du, err := c.getTablesDiskUsage(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err

// Query disk usage of each partition in pg
m := make(map[string]int64, len(tables[table]))
for _, partition := range tables[table] {
size, err := c.getTableDiskUsage(ctx, partition)
if err != nil {
return err
m[partition] = size
totalUsage += size
du[table] = m


totalUsage := totalDiskUsage(du)
diskCap := uint64(diskCapacityGBs) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
hi, lo := calculateHiLoWaterMarks(diskCap)

if float64(totalUsage) <= hi {
return nil

// Print out disk usage after deletes - we defer this call because we could
// exit this func due to an error.
defer func() {
log.Printf("Current tables disk usage: %.1f GB", float64(totalUsage)/float64(1024*1024*1024))

// Delete oldest child tables in each parent table, until usage is below
// `lo`.
var index int
// NOTE: Existing partitions for each parent table may not be in sync wrt
// the time periods they correspond to, due to previous errors in deleting
// from the db. So we keep track of the indices of the child tables for each
// parent table to ensure we only delete the oldest tables.
indices := make([]int, len(allTables))
for float64(totalUsage) >= lo {
var recoveredSpace uint64
for _, table := range allTables {
if index >= len(tables[table]) {
earliestStartTime, err := getEarliestPartitionStartTime(tables, indices)
if err != nil {
return err

// Quit without deleting the current partition even if we are over the
// highwater mark!
currentPartStartTime := newPartitionTimeRange(time.Now()).StartDate
if earliestStartTime.Equal(currentPartStartTime) {
type ctinfo struct {
Name string
Size int64
var ct []ctinfo
var total int64
for i, table := range allTables {
name := tables[table][indices[i]]
ct = append(ct, ctinfo{name, du[table][name]})
total += du[table][name]
tableName := tables[table][index]
err = c.deleteChildTable(ctx, tableName, "disk usage high-water mark reached")

log.Printf("WARNING: highwater mark reached: no non-current tables exist to delete!"+
" Please increase the value of "+DiskCapacityEnv+" and ensure disk capacity for PostgreSQL!"+
" Candidate tables and sizes: %v (total usage: %d)", ct, total)

// Delete all child tables with the same StartTime = earliestStartTime
for i, table := range allTables {
pt, err := getPartitionTimeRangeForTable(tables[table][indices[i]])
if err != nil {
return err
recoveredSpace += du[table][tableName]

if pt.StartDate.Equal(earliestStartTime) {
tableName := tables[table][indices[i]]
err := c.deleteChildTable(ctx, tableName, "disk usage high-water mark reached")
if err != nil {
return err
totalUsage -= du[table][tableName]
totalUsage -= recoveredSpace
log.Printf("Current tables disk usage: %.1f GB", float64(totalUsage)/float64(1024*1024*1024))
return nil

// vacuumData should be called in a new go routine.
func (c *DBClient) vacuumData(ctx context.Context, diskCapacityGBs int) {
var (
normalInterval = 1 * time.Hour
retryInterval = 2 * time.Minute
normalInterval := 1 * time.Hour
retryInterval := 2 * time.Minute
timer := time.NewTimer(normalInterval)
defer timer.Stop()

for {
select {
case <-timer.C:
timer.Reset(retryInterval) // timer fired, reset it right here.

err := c.maintainLowWatermarkUsage(ctx, diskCapacityGBs)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error maintaining high-water mark disk usage: %v (retrying in %s)", err, retryInterval)

case <-ctx.Done():
log.Println("Vacuum thread exiting.")
Expand Down
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions logsearchapi/server/partitions_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -131,3 +131,22 @@ func TestPartitionTimeRangeNextPrev(t *testing.T) {

func TestPartitionNameParsing(t *testing.T) {

for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
r := randomTime()
p1 := newPartitionTimeRange(r)

name := "table_" + p1.getPartnameSuffix()

res, err := getPartitionTimeRangeForTable(name)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Test %d: r=%v unexpected err: %v", i, r, err)
if !res.isSame(&p1) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: r=%v, expected: %v got %v", i, r, p1.String(), res.String())

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