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Unconfirmed Users

RobLoweMOJ edited this page Apr 3, 2024 · 3 revisions

When a new user is added to the platform they are sent an email with a confirmation link. Until they click this link their user is sat in a limbo like state.

Their user is not visible in users list and they cant be added again as the platform will warn a user is already using the same email address.

To help with any registering issues we have installed a plugin that allows you to see these pending users.

You will need to be super admin privileges to access this.

Once logged in. In the top bar go to 'My Sites' > 'Network admin' > 'Users'.

Then on the left hand menu you will see under users is a menu option called 'Unconfirmed'.

If you go to this page you will see a list of users that have yet to confirm their user.

If you hover over a user login name you have the option to:

  • Resend the confirmation email
  • Activate - so you can manually confirm the user.
  • Delete the user
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