This repository contains the Helm and Kustomize configuration for the Delius Alfresco deployment.
Rather than using/modifying the Helm chart directly, we use Kustomize to overlay the Helm chart with our custom configuration. This allows us to keep the Helm chart as a dependency and only modify the configuration that we need to.
Note: we use taskfile to simplify the commands. You can install taskfile by running brew install go-task/tap/go-task
To deploy the Delius Alfresco stack, you can use the following command:
task helm_upgrade ENV=<dev|test|stage|preprod|prod> DEBUG=<true|false>
This will deploy the Delius Alfresco stack to the specified environment.
flag can be used to enable debug mode, which will enable helm verbose logging + output the templated,
rendered and kustomized manifests to the environment directory.
Helm values The base helm values are stored in the
file. Each environment has its own values file, which is stored in thekustomize/environments/<env>/values.yaml
file. These values are combined when deploying the stack, with the environment values taking precedence. -
Kustomize The kustomize overlays are stored in the
directory. These overlays are applied to the Helm chart's resources to modify the configuration as needed for the environment.
A number of secrets are required to deploy the Delius Alfresco stack. Some of these are set by the cloud-platform-environments repository, while others are set manually.
Secret Name | Description | Set By | example/required keys |
amazon-mq-broker-secret | The secret for the Amazon MQ broker | cloud-platform-environments | see cloud-platform-environments |
alfresco-license | The Alfresco license file | manual | <alfresco-license-file-name> : <base64-encoded-alfresco-license-file> |
legacy-rds-instance | The RDS instance for the legacy Delius Alfresco stack | manual | DATABASE_NAME: <database-name>, DATABASE_USERNAME: <database-username>, DATABASE_PASSWORD: <database-password>, RDS_INSTANCE_ADDRESS: <rds-instance-address> |
rds-instance-outpur | The RDS instance for the CP Delius Alfresco stack | cloud-platform-environments | see cloud-platform-environments |
quay-registry-secret | The secret for the Quay registry | manual | .dockerconfigjson: {"auths":{"":{"username":"<quay-username>","password":"<quay-password>","email":"<quay-email>","auth":"<base64-encoded-auth>"}}} |