This is a very simple build system written in python that is hackable and easy to extend. The problem I had so far with other build systems was the lack of scripting ability that I needed many times.
In order to install the latest release of buildsystem, run the following command:
pip install buildsystem
Here's an example on how to use the MsdevBuilder. The MsdevBuilder allows you to
compile and clean your Msdev-Solution (.sln) and specify some options. Here's an
example usage file
from buildsystem.msdev import MsdevBuilder
msdevbuilder = MsdevBuilder()
msdevbuilder.conf(product_title='SIMAVIS H',
msdevbuilder.log_enabled = False
As you can see there are some properties we could define. You have multiple options
to set them, either by calling the conf
method, or by setting them via direct call.
Adding your own builder is very easy. You just have to create a new class that inherits
from Builder
and add your tasks in that order to be executed and add to each of them
the task
decorator. Here is an example (reate a file called
from buildsystem.builder import Builder, task
class MyBuilder(Builder):
# here you could declare some configuration properties if you want to
my_name = 'Nobody'
def greet_me(self):
# to output something with the right indentation, use self.output
# You can define the color by specifying an ok=True, warn=True or error=True.
self.output('Hello ' + self.my_name + '. ', ok=True)
def greet_world(self):
self.output('Hello to all others! ')
You can now use it by simple writing
from simple import MyBuilder
builder = MyBuilder()
builder.my_name = 'Conroe'
If you want to skip some tasks, you can do this by adding them to the skip
list by
just calling
If you want to only execute some tasks you can call your build script with the task-names of the arguments you want to run:
python greet-me
This would only run the greet_me
method and output the greet-all
task as skipped.
The build script first creates a git.txt file containing the version information read from the git tags. After compiling the setup this file will be deleted. If you want to add the version information in your Inno Script setup, you just need to read this file by adding the following code to your Setup.iss file:
#define FileHandle
#define FileLine
#sub ProcessFileLine
#pragma message FileLine
#for {FileHandle = FileOpen("git.txt"); FileHandle && !FileEof(FileHandle); FileLine = FileRead(FileHandle)} ProcessFileLine
#if FileHandle
#expr FileClose(FileHandle)
#define VERSION Copy(FileLine, Pos("/", FileLine) + 1)
After this you can use the VERSION constant by inserting {#VERSION}
into your script, for example in your [Setup] section: