- (misanorot) fixed reload xml issues
- (misanorot) update files
- (misanorot) translate states
- (misanorot) fixed ssh errors
- (misanorot) fixed ack issues
- (misanorot) fixed ack issues
- (misanorot) fixed little issues
- (misanorot) new config style
- (misanorot) add trigger state and two second polling
- (misanorot) added reconnect time
- (misanorot) fixed issue with reconnect
- (misanorot) fixes little issues in compact modus
- (misanorot) Compact modus added
- (misanorot) Fixed little issue with new xml read
- (misanorot) create types from vcontrold.xml to states (require a new config)
- (misanorot) add sort tables
- (misanorot) create units from vcontrold.xml (require a new config)
- (Bjoern3003) added lastPoll state
- (misanorot) os:linux--> read vito.xml from /etc/vcontrold from the same host
- (misanorot) use a ssh connection to read the vito.xml from a other server
- (misanorot) option to create only states if you use
- (misanorot) option to restart the connection after to many errors
- (misanorot) parse vito.xml file
- (misanorot) ready for admin V3
- (misanorot) add option to use format values
- (misanorot) initial release
- (misanorot) fixed issue #164
- (misanorot) fixed open connection after unload
- (misanorot) fixed issue #135
- (misanorot) Fixed JS-Controller 5 issues