This bundle contains a Symfony2 authentication provider so that users can log in to a Symfony2 application through Raven, the University of Cambridge's central authentication service.
It also contains a user provider, which can allow any user authenticating through Raven access to your application.
- Chris Wilkinson [email protected]
The bundle uses code based on the UcamWebauth PHP class.
Add the bundle to your dependencies:
// composer.json { // ... "require": { // ... "misd/raven-bundle": "~1.0" } }
Use Composer to download and install the bundle:
$ php composer.phar update misd/raven-bundle
Register the bundle in your application:
// app/AppKernel.php class AppKernel extends Kernel { // ... public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new Misd\RavenBundle\MisdRavenBundle(), // ... ); } // ... }
To enable Raven authentication, add raven: true
to a firewall configuration:
// app/config/security.yml
pattern: ^/secure/.*
raven: true
Normal Symfony2 user providers can be used, as long as the username is the user's CRSid.
If you would like any user who has successfully authenticated with Raven to access your application, you can use the bundle's Raven user provider:
// app/config/security.yml
id: raven.user_provider
The user provider returns an instance of Misd\RavenBundle\Security\User\RavenUser
with the role ROLE_USER
This can be chained with other providers to grant certain users extra roles. For example:
// app/config/security.yml
providers: [in_memory, raven]
abc123: { roles: [ 'ROLE_ADMIN' ] }
id: raven.user_provider
You can add the name of your application to the Raven log in page:
// app/config/config.yml
description: "My application"
The text on the page will now include something like "This resource calls itself 'My application' and is ...".
During development, especially when not on the University network, it is sometimes necessary to use the test Raven Service. You can use this instead of the live service:
// app/config/config_dev.yml
use_test_service: true
The test Raven service must not be used in production: it might compromise your application. Keep it to config_dev.yml
The bundle can throw various exceptions. To catch them, set up event listeners and implement your logic (display a message, redirect to another page etc).
This is thrown if the user clicks 'cancel' on the Raven log in screen.
This is thrown if the user is not provisioned. If you're using the Raven user provider, this will never been seen.
This is thrown if something has gone wrong with either the bundle or Raven itself. As this is an exceptional state, you probably won't need to catch it (and let the 500 Internal Server Error
be returned). It has the following sub-types:
: If the Raven response is older than 30 seconds.
This is thrown if there is an OpenSSL problem.
To listen for events that the bundle issues, create a normal event subscriber service:
<service id="" class="%my_listener.class%">
<tag name="kernel.event_listener" event="%raven_event%" method="%my_listener.method%"/>
The bundle issues the following events:
The Misd\RavenBundle\Event\RedirectEvent
object contains the parameters given to Raven when the user is redirected to the login page. You could, for example, add the msg
The Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Event\InteractiveLoginEvent
object contains the request and the authentication token following a successful Raven login.