A Stock Managing Microservice
- To check the stock levels for the products sold by a retailer
- Apply a number of ‘rules’ before returning advice for which products should be ordered
- The input and output can be via any medium. Using RESTful request and JSON response for communication. Also, an intergration test in source code can be used.
- Audit of update on the stock levels
- From Command line, navigate to the folder <Directory_On_Your_Local>/stock-service mvn spring-boot:run
- URI's
- Get Stock Recommendations: /recommendation/{productId}?retailer={retailer}
- Update/PUT Minimum Stock level: /update/minStockLevel/{productId}/{minStockLevel}
- Add/PUT to Current Stock level: /add/stockLevel/{productId}/{stockLevel}
- Mark Product Blocked: /markBlocked/{productId}
- H2 in-memory DB is used. It can be connected via service on http://localhost:<Server_port>/h2-console with details
- JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:mem:demo-db
- username: sa
- password: password
- Auditing Product table using Hibernate Enver
- Documentation
- More integration tests
- Security
- If performance requirements as the number of products grow to more (towards millions), use No-SQL DB. So a provision will be developed using system property to use SQL/NoSQL DB (Dynamo DB/Mongo DB would be ideal choices)