Group Name: GPT-5
project members: Maddie Juarez Luke Niemeyer Nick Zappia
Project objective: To use C++ to reconstruct our foundational construction of forth interpretation in C. We want to explore using C++ to add onto our project and handle functions, if-else then statements, loops, and potentially explore supporting datastructures such as arraylists, trees, queues, etc.
How to run with C-11 compiler: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=11 -S . -B build cmake --build build ./build/r-forth
Functionality: Maddie -- testing with main() in token.cpp (don't worry, this will be removed in the final submission, i just made it easier to test input instead of compiling the user interface every time) -- added a mapping from token to function --done by token type -- added a mapping from token to token type -- planning on controlling input by checking first if token is a : or ; -> if so, push everything onto a stack and handle in custom function (to be built by Nick/Luke) -- take input as string stack, convert to queue (so that you can see the front/back of input at all times) -- added compatability for variables and constants -- re-added interactivity on command line
Functionality: Luke 4/18 -- loops are working independently of the rest of the codebase -- ability to print out the number of each iteration, values, and strings -- arrays -- array numbers -> to delcare array -- 3 cells allot numbers -> declare array size -- 10 0 numbers +! -> assigns value 10 to index 0 of array numbers
Completed: -- basic operations (+, -, dup, swap, etc.) -- variable declaration, constants, and operation (!, @, +!) -- add booleans (<, >, and, etc.) --interactive feature -- word definitions (functions) -- do loops -- arrays -- if else then